Greta vs Arachne

Greta vs Arachne

Many years ago, there was a queen called Maleena. Every week, she sent five babies to Arachne to be killed.

A hero called Greta went to kill Arachne in her den.

The cave was dark and bloody. Greta could see skulls on the floor, bats dangling from the ceiling and spider webs on the walls.

It was coming towards her. Arachne jumped in the air and Greta stabbed the monster in her heart.

Everybody in the kingdom lived happily ever after.


By Arshan in 3J


Shu and the Manticore

In the times of great heroes, there was a brutal Pharaoh called Khufu, who, every month sent five innocent old people to be eaten by the vicious Manticore, that lived in the dusty pyramid.

Shu was a fearless warrior who was determined to slay the beast. Outside, the dusty pyramid, was a servant that didn’t like the Pharaoh so he agreed to give Shu a magical staff to slay the beast, if she agreed to make the servant the new Pharaoh.

Inside the pyramid was mysterious, spooky and echoey. Through the dust Shu could see scarab beetles scurrying across the sandy floor, cartouches on the warn out walls and cobwebs dangling from the crumbling ceiling.

A soon as Shu entered the centre of the pyramid, the Manticore dived at Shu, roaring in rage. Shu blasted the beast killing it instantly.

Shu ran out of the pyramid and met the servant. He gave Shu a lot of Pharaoh’s gold and Shu made the servant a new Pharaoh.


Ethan 3M

Greta and the Arachne

Many years ago, there lived an evil queen called Malena. She was cruel, mean and savage. The worst bit was that she sent one baby boy and one baby girl every full moon to be eaten by Arachne! It was a horrible, hideous and dreadful creature. It lived in a deep dark cave. It was half spider half human.

Greta (the hero) was a fearless, brave and bold warrior. One dusty day, she offered to go to slay the nasty beast. The queen was very surprised, she said ” You may… but you shall return with the bones of Arachne to prove that you have killed the beast.” Greta agreed.

On the way she met Prince Jed. He said , “I will lend you my legendary bow and arrow if you pay me ten pounds.”

Greta entered the spooky, eerie and misty cave, through the mist she could see blood dripping from the ceiling, skulls on the floor and webs on the wall. Suddenly, she heard a high hiss, Arachne dropped from the ceiling, Greta backed up. Then she shot the only arrow she had into Arachne’s heart. The monster lay… DEAD! Dead, still and silent. Everything paused…

Then after a few minutes Greta fled from the cave, dashed to the shore and met Prince Jed. She gave him his money and they sailed away living happily ever after.



A Bronze Age Non Chronological Report

Let’s Find Out About The Bronze Age


Thousands of years ago, people discovered a metal called bronze and people made weapons this was the Bronze Age.

Amazing Warriors 

The Bronze Age warriors were brave and caring. They had dogs to hunt down their dinner. However, today we have guide dogs for the blind.

Gorgeous Bronze Age Objects

In the Bronze Age, they used bronze to show they were rich. However, nowadays we wear gold rings to show we are wealthy.

Fun Fact 

The metal bronze was first invented in 4000BCE.

Did you know?

Only the important warriors were taken to battle in horse drawn chariots.

By Emmalie in 3J





A Bronze Age Non Chronological Report

The Brilliant Bronze Age 


The period of time from 3000BC to 800BC was known as the Bronze Age.

Warriors of the Bronze Age

Bronze Age warriors wore armour. They carried swords, spears and shields to protect themselves.

Fun Fact

The Yethaolm shield is named after a site in Scotland.

Did you know?

Bronze was made by heating tin and copper and mixing them together to make weapons.

By Chris in 3J



A Bronze Age Non Chronological Report

The Prehistoric Bronze Age 


The Bronze Age was discovered 4000 years ago.

Marvellous Bronze Age 

The Bronze Age people used armour to protect themselves.

Fun Fact 

Swords were used for throwing at people during battels.

Did you know?

Bronze was a hard metal and bronze was for rich people.

By Michelle in 3J



A Bronze Age Non Chronological Report

From Stone to Bronze


Some time after the Stone Age,  bronze was discovered and was made by mixing tin and copper.

Warriors of the Bronze Age

Bronze Age warriors were very popular people. Bronze Age people used spears for fighting, however, today we have the police protecting our area.

Beautiful bronze objects

At the beginning of the Bronze Age, bronze was a glamorous, shiny colour however, in the 21st century we use gold or silver.

Fun Fact

It is called the Bronze Age because they used bronze instead of Stone.

Did You Know 

Bronze was first invented in 4000BCE.

Written by Reyhana in 3J

Newspaper Report


Last Friday, a family of puppies were sad when a boy stole their treats.

Daddy Puppy, Mummy Puppy and Baby Puppy went to the woods for a run.

Jake broke into their burrow and drank their milk.

“I am so sad because that nasty boy took my baby’s treats!” said Daddy Puppy.

The police are still looking for the thief.

If you find Jake the thief, call 999!

Newspaper report by a child in 3J.