Happy New Year

Today is New Years Eve and traditionally it is a time when people contemplate the events of the year which has just happened. In addition to this people think about what they would like to achieve in preparation for next year and these are called ‘New Year’s Resolutions’.

In preparation for this I have created a Wallwisher wall. On the wall you can  leave a  virtual post it about what you did well in 2010 and what you would like to achieve  in 2011. I have already started us off.

Simply  go to http://www.wallwisher.com/wall/year3atbearwood and post your messages there. 

As this is my last post of the year I would like to take the oppourtunity to wish you all a very Happy and Prosperous New Year.


On our return to school we will be looking at weight in Numeracy. We will be learning to estimate, measure and record our measurements. In addition to this  we will exploring the difference between kilograms and grams. Can you find out what these words mean? 

Play this game with your family and see if you can estimate correctly the weight of everyday objects.

[slideshare id=6415643&doc=weightwwtbam-101231071317-phpapp01]

Click on the link and play these games






Science- Materials

Listen to the audio track carefully.

Do you like the song?

Do you think it will help you learn about Materials?

Have you heard any new vocabulary?

Can you find the meanings of any of the  new vocabulary that you heard?  Please share this information with us via comments. eg Conduct means to allow or help energy go through.


Next half term in Science we will be learning about Materials. Look at the following websites and see what information you can discover in preparation for January.





[vodpod id=Video.5129889&w=425&h=350&fv=]

Materials , posted with vodpod


Hooray for Bollywood

Wow!  That half term has sped past and our topic ‘Hooray for Bollywood’ is over.  I will put our films on the Year Three Blog in the near future because I’m awaiting software.  The adults in Year 3 would like to know what you thought about the topic.

[polldaddy poll=4282388]

What new skills did you learn?

What skills have you developed? E.g. Planning your next steps

What does being a reflective learner mean to you?

How will you remember what you have learnt?

What would you like to change about  this topic?

Christmas Assembly


Yesterday the whole of Key Stage Two attended St Mary’s Church for their  Christmas Assembly. The event witnessed some amazing performances from each year group. In Year 3 we played Jingle Bells on the Ukulele. It was wonderful to see all 60 of you playing all at the same time. It was great to see so many parents in attendance too.

Here is the audio from our performance for the children to listen to their sensational performance again and for any parents that were unable to make it.

Jack is leaving


We are really sad to have to say goodbye to Jack, as he and his family are going back to China.

To make sure Jack doesn’t forget us, we have been working hard to make him a special card.

Everybody in 3S will miss Jack and we hope that he will keep in touch with us by email and through the blog.  He has made us smile every day with his jokes and we have learnt lots about China from him.

Also, I’m sure that all of 3S will agree that he is very good at Numeracy and has helped lots of us with our number work.

Bye Jack and thank you for all your hard work in 3S!

Our Bollywood Movie Work


Take a look at all of the exciting things we have been doing this half term in our topic Hooray for Bollywood. We have watched Bollywood films, written play scripts, rehearsed, organised costumes and props, created settings using Power Point, made Bollywood style dance routines and designed play script booklets for the whole class to read and act out and much much more! As you can see, we have been working extremely hard.

Miss Smith and Miss Mortimer have been very impressed with our amazing team work and acting skills.

Well done to all of Year Three, your hard work has resulted in some excellent films. Look out for these on the blog soon!

Bright Start- Odd One Out!


This morning our  Bright Start activity was to consider which  object or item was the Odd One Out.  We  had to vote using our A,B,C and D cards as to which one was the Odd One Out.  In addtion to voting we also had to  explain why we believed that item or object was  the Odd One Out. We received some great explanations!

What has been your favourite Bright Start  activity so far?