Jack & the beanstalk.

Today we have learnt the adventure story of Jack and the beanstalk. We have used a text map to put actions to the words so we can retell the whole story!

Eventually we will be writing our own dinosaur adventure stories and following the layout of Jack and the beanstalk.

Have a look at the first part of the text map and let us know what you think. Remember to keep checking the blog as our own stories will be published as soon as we have written these.

Dudley Museum

We’re back after an amazing day at the museum. Firstly, we learnt about an extremely rare and terrifying Allayanasaurus! After that we found out how fossils were made and we had the chance to investigate some real life fossils. Afterwards we found out about two famous palaeontologists who discovered an ichthyosaurs fossil. Eventually we had the chance to explore the museum.

My favourite part was seeing the skull of a T-Rex. What was yours?




Fun at the library

Today we went to the library and Julie read us a story. We were able to choose 2 books to take home and share with our families.

We really enjoyed visiting the library because they have lots of different types of books. Some of us chose fiction and others chose non fiction.

Share with us your favourite books.

By Michael, Jannah and Amina.
Photo 19-09-2014 14 41 23
Photo 19-09-2014 14 43 40

Text Map

Today Mrs Crofts came to our Writing lesson to teach us how to text map a non fiction report. We learnt actions to help us retell the report.

Have a look at the video of us retelling the report.

Our Dinosaur Hunt!

Today was a very exciting day. Mrs Berryman burst into the year 3 classrooms with the news she had seen a huge swishing tail when she looked out of the window. She was shaking with fear!

As a class we decided to be detectives and go on a hunt around the school to see if we could find out what was happening. We found large footprints, scratches on the walls, torn papers, dinosaur bones and also some scaly skin. We were terrified but also excited.

After looking at the evidence we have decided that it must have been a T-Rex. Keep your eyes open and let us know on the blog if you see any other evidence. image


