Our new Year Three topic!

What do you think our new Autumn 2 topic could be? We are very excited about it and can not wait to tell you all about it.

Follow the link below to watch the video, as it might give you a few clues about our new topic! Please post all of your ideas underneath.

See you all very soon, Miss Smith and Miss Kirkham.

Halving and Doubling

In Numeracy this week we have been practising our halving and doubling.  Choose a challenge below and have a go at halving and doubling the numbers.

Challenge 1:  10, 2, 16, 4, 14, 8  

Challenge 2:   22, 18, 24, 26, 28, 20      

Challenge 3:    30, 28, 40, 64, 50, 60, 84, 100

Challenge 4:    300, 450, 1000, 440, 280, 880, 2000

Writer’s Workshop Sneak Preview!

Would you like an insight into this week’s Writer’s Workshop? If so then carry on reading to find out more!

This week you will become film critics as you write your very own film review for your favourite film; so make sure you bring your glasses, flip chart and critical eyes along with you this Friday! Begin to think about which film you would like to review. Which is your favourite film? Why? Leave your comments and let us know!

Also try watching this film trailer:


What do you like/dislike about the film? Can you begin to write a mini review about it to let us know your opinions? The winning review will take centre stage on the WOW wall for all to see!