Literacy – You had some brilliant ideas to describe the settings this week. We are going to be looking at different stories and learn how Authors describe the settings in their books. Can you bring in your favourite book to share and talk about where the story is set?
Phonics- Get reading and spelling those new green and red words. This weekend read two different books. Compare the stories. Which one do you like best and why? Can you retell the story in your own words? Talk about your favourite character, can you draw and describe them in sentences?
Numeracy –We are going money mad next week! Get ready – how many coins do you know? What does each coin look like? Get someone to test you this weekend? Can you begin to add money and find the change? When you are out and about look at how people use money and what for.
Remember to keep practicing your tables and telling the time.
On Thursday we had a fantastic time at the Public. If you have bought a cup or key ring they will be arriving soon to school. Your pictures look fantastic and we all had a fantastic day. Have a look at the photos on the Blog this weekend.
Next week, you are going to be making your own dinosaur using clay! You have researched, created mood boards and now you are ready to create. This weekend make sure you know what your dinosaur looks like and what colours you will use to paint it.