2012 Olympic Games



The countdown to the 2012 London Olympic Games has dominated the news headlines this week  with over 200 media personal attending different events to represent the countdown to the games.  What does the Olympics coming to Britain mean to you? I’m very excited about the Olympics coming to Britain because it  is not  very often the global events like to the Olympics come to England.

In the closing ceremony of the Beijing Olympic games Britain was symbolised  by a  red double-decker bus and David Beckham. What do you think the  Olympic committee  could use to represent Britain and London in the opening ceremony of the games in 2012?

That’s All Folks…

Sadly, we have reached the end of another academic year. I would like to express my thanks to this magnificent year group for all your hard work this year!  This year you have achieved remarkable things and I hope you continue to do so in Year 4.  Furthermore, I would like to say thank you for the generous gifts, kind words and cards given at the end of term.  I wish you all a fabulous summer holiday and I look forward to seeing you all back in school on 2nd September 2010.

Take Care and Stay Safe!

Miss Thomas

PS- During the holidays I will be blogging so please keep checking the blog out!

Concert and Picnic

Today we celebrated our wonderful achievements in ukulele this year  with a spectacular concert. Your singing  and playing sounded fabulous. A huge thank you  to Mr Cockshott and Dan for all your help.

Afterwards parents joined us for a family  picnic  so we could share our work on  ‘Coming Alive!’ It was a splendid afternoon. Well done Year 3!

It was brilliant to see so many parents at this event. Thanks for allowing me permission to blog these pictures.

Making Flapjacks

Today we followed a recipe to make flapjacks for our picnic tomorrow.  What ingredients do you need to make flapjacks?  Who is really accurate at measuring? Can  you write a list of instructions to make flapjacks?

Welcome to the Year 3 Bearwood Cafe

On  Thusday we turned our classrooms into a café. We become customers and waiters. Customers had to order food.  Whilst we  were waiting for  our  food we  totalled our orders.  The role of the waiters were to write receipts,total the orders and give change. While we were waiting for our food we answered questions on our food plates.  It was great fun!