3M Limericks.

Today in Literacy we have been looking at Limericks. We learnt all about the structure of these and had a go in groups at writing our own. Read them below and write and have a go at writing one of your own.

There was a boy from France,

Who never wore his underpants.

His bottom got cold,

And his nose turned to gold,

So now he has learnt how to dance.


There was a boy from France,

Who did an underpants dance.

He was rather short,

Like a year 1 sort,

He also had ants in his pants.


There was a boy from France,

Who could do a super dance.

His performance had power,

So a girl gave him a flower,

On the next show he wet his underpants.


There was a girl from Bearwood,

Who got into trouble with Miss Haywood.

She pushed over a boy,

Broke his toy,

And now she tries to be good.


The celery was an exciting experiment because we learnt that the roots suck up water which are given to the stem and then to the leaves. As soon as Mrs Griffiths put the celery in the coloured water it started to change to a red colour.

Amaya 3G



when we came into school this morning the chickens were still in the incubator. Mrs griffiths took 5 chicks out to show us, they were so cute. Suddenly one of the chicks ran as fast as he could across the carpet. We all screamed. There are still 2 more chicken eggs about to hatch. Unfortunately 1 chicken didn’t make it.

Shivam and Zadi 3G




Today we were really lucky to have a drama teacher come and work with us. We learnt how to do ‘freeze frames’ and also improve our drama by adding sound effects.

Have a look at the photographs below, can you share on the blog some of the new drama skills you learnt today?

Good Blogging.

We are really happy that you are going on the blog and writing comments about all the learning that is happening in Year 3.

When you write your comment  please remember to think carefully about what you are writing.

For example: If somebody has written a book review, please dont just write ‘that is awesome’. Expand on your reasons why you like the review and include punctuation in your sentence.

We look forward to seeing your new and improved comments!

A new music website to try.

Mr Shepherd has given you a quick tour of the new Music website that you can go on at home and learn lots of new musical skills. There is a section on the Ukuele and lots of other instruments that you may know already or some new ones.

You have been given a letter today that explains how to create a username and password, this website is safe to use. Follow the instructions by clicking on the link and have some musical fun!

Post a comment and share what you have learnt on the blog with the rest of Year group.
