Talk Homework 26.11.10

Your story boards of Jack and The Beanstalk was so amazing that we thought that we would let you write your very own version of the fairytale in Writers’ Workshop this week!

Here is an opening to get you started. Tomorrow you will be finishing this version of  Jack and the Beanstalk.

Once upon a time, there was a small boy called Jack who lived with his mum in a small house on a normal street. One day, Jack’s mother cried,

 “Jack! I am old and hungry. Please go to the supermarket with our last five pounds and get us some food.”

 “Alright!” grumbled Jack.

Slowly, Jack got on his scooter and zoomed off to the supermarket.  On his way, he stopped by the huge toy shop and gazed into the window. The toy he wanted more than anything, a shiny, silver robot called Whizz was staring back at him. He looked down at the five pound note. If he used his mum’s money he could just afford it………

What happens next? Does Jack spend his mum’s money? How does the beanstalk appear?

Make sure you tell somebody at home your exciting story ideas! 

Dr Knickerbocker song

I found the ‘Dr Knickerbocker’ song whilst searching the internet for something else. I had to download and share it because I know that it is one of our favourite songs to sing in Ukulele. Hope you enjoy!

Can anyone remember why this song helps with playing the Ukulele?


This week in Numeracy we are looking at division. What vocabulary do you know about that is associated with division?

Here are some websites to practise and develop your skills.

Remember division is the inverse operation of  multiplication!

Pudsey Hunt


Today we had fun making Pudsey out of loose change. After break we went on a Pudsey hunt. There was 13 letters hidden around school and we had to sort them to make a well known phrase. The phrase was ‘show your spots’. Well done to Nabeel for winning the prize.

A special mention goes to Aniq because he raised a staggering £55 by being sponsored to answer Numeracy questions.

Get Talking, Get Learning 19.11.2010

Literacy – Next week we will be looking at speech and plays. When you are reading a book at home look carefully. Who is speaking? How do you know? What is a narrator? If you do some writing this weekend, try to include some speech and have a go at putting speech marks in the correct place.

Phonics – Make sure you are taking your books home and practising the sounds you have been learning. Ask someone to ask you questions about the book.

Numeracy – Next week we will be learning about division. What do you already know about division? What vocabulary do you know? What strategies can you use to help you work out a division question? At home, practise sharing out objects and toys between you and your family. How many does each person get if you share them out equally?

Don’t forget you should be practicing your times tables and number bonds at home.

Topic – Tell somebody at home what you have found out about Bollywood films.

Next week we will be starting to plan our very own short Bollywood blockbusters!

Over the weekend, think about your play. What could happen in your play? What kind of characters will there be? Please visit our blog at to get some fantastic ideas!

A Class Story

Over the last week in Literacy we have been working to produce a story set in a familiar place. Firstly, we planned our story using a story S. This helped us with the structure of our story. As the week progressed we added a section and this is our final piece.  

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.972249&w=425&h=350&]

 Storybird – A Class Story, posted with vodpod


Wow! This is all of Year 3 performing  an alternative version  of Kookaburra. Mr Sheppard was really impressed that all of us managed  to keep in time and sang so beautifully. Well done!