Get Talking, Get Learning! 12.11.10

Literacy – Next week we are going to be writing our class story. This weekend get researching. Steal brilliant words and find new interesting words to use in your story. Remember each day we are going to be reading and voting for the writing to go in our class book.

Phonics- Find and read your three most favourite phonic books. Read them to someone at home and discuss why they are your favourite.

Numeracy – In Numeracy next week we are going to be learning about 3D shapes. Before we start 3D shapes what do you remember about 2D shapes? Make a 2D shape poster to share with us on Monday. How many 3D shapes can you find and name this weekend at home?

In topic next week you are going to become a film critic. This weekend think about watching films, documentaries and programs on television. What do you like and dislike? What makes you like and dislike a film? Ask your family and friends about their favourite to discover why people watch television.

Can you find out what a film critic is?

Pictograms by Kofi and Nathan


Today in Numeracy we asked the question ‘What kinds of films do you like best?’ The categories were action, comedy, scary, romance, and musical and animation. Then we questioned everyone is our class and this helped us create our tally chart. We were very noisy whilst questioning our class members. After this we calculated the number of people which had voted for each category. Next we used the information to transform a tally chart into a pictogram. The most popular category was scary. What was you most popular category? The least popular was action and animation. What was the least popular category?

Please leave a comment to tell us about the least favourite and most favourite films.

Get Talking, Get Learning 5.11.2010

Literacy – We are all brilliant describers now.  Make a poster to show your 10 most favourite describing words.  Next week we are going to be planning and writing our own story set in our familiar settings around school.  What settings could we use? 

 Phonics- This weekend see if you can read and write all the red and green words out of 5 books.  Get someone to test you at home.

Don’t forget to read everyday, bring your book in to change and keep learning your spellings.  

Numeracy –Wow we have worked really hard this week using arrays to solve tricky multiplication questions.  Did you solve your goal question?  Can you answer these? 7 x 6=      8 x 4 =   11 x 6=       7 x9 =       12 x 5 =    6 x 5 =     Challenge question: 13 x 9

Next week we are doing a bit more multiplying then we are going to be moving on to data handling.  Data handling means organising information.  Think about the tallying, pictograms and bar charts you did in Year 2.   Have a look at some different pictograms and bar charts this weekend.  What are they used for?

Next week is a really busy week in Year 3.  On Monday we are going to the Gurdwara to learn about Sikhism and how Sikhs celebrate Divali.  Remember it’s a normal school day and you are having your dinners as normal.  3S are going at 9.30 until 11.00 and 3D are going at 11.15 until 12.40. 

On Thursday it’s our Divali Assembly starting at 2.30pm in the hall. We would love for your family to come and see you perform. Next week we are going to be getting ready for our assembly.  What can you find out about Divali?

Next week we are going to be looking at traditional Asian Clothing.  We would love you to bring in an outfit to share and wear for our assembly. Bring it in a bag on Tuesday please.

Remember your indoor and outdoor PE kits and your Ukuleles ready for next week.