How to take care of a Unicorn

Are you a animal lover? Having a unicorn as a pet is a great experience but you need to know how to take care for it properly. read these top tips on how to care for  your unicorns.


All unicorns love to snooze in fluffy clouds clouds so you have to buy fake clouds that tastes like cotton candy.


Unicorns eat cotton candy, starlight and rainbow watermelons. They like starlight for a treat as well.


All unicorns are gentle, shy, placid and elusive therefore you can play with your unicorn all day long.

Picking the right unicorn for you 

Are you sure you are able to take care of a unicorn? Well the best place to find the right unicorn is rainbow land where every thing is rainbow even the unicorns horns change colour.

Larissa 3D

How to look after an Ogre

How to look after an Ogre

Are you an animal lover? Who wants to have a new playmate? Read on to find out more about your playmate.



Before you bring your playmate home you will need a dirty cave because Ogres need their personal space.



While some people believe Ogres are meat eaters, they also eat their greens. They need lots of water. For a snack they eat fresh little children.



Most Ogres need lots of food to avoid tantrums. They also need privacy. To calm them down feed them their favourite snack.


Written beautifully by Onkar in 3J

Looking after an Ogre

Looking after an Ogre

Are you looking to extend your family with an unusual pet? Read on if you are…



Before you bring your Ogre home, make sure you live near a bridge or swamp with lots of trees and children that go there, and make sure you’re near a school. Contrary to popular belief, Ogres love children and teachers for lunch.



Many people believe that Ogres are meat-eaters and are omnivores but they always choose meat over vegetables. Some Ogres eat elves especially because of the Christmas magic. For small snacks they eat small birds. However, Ogres really like fruit because they have a sweet tooth.



Many people think Ogres will be easy to control. If they are kept away from sunlight, are give lots of food and live near a school, they will be fantastic pets! However, if they don’t have enough food then they might eat you! So make sure that your fridge is full of delicious tasty snacks!

A beautiful piece of writing by a student in 3J


Do you want to look after an Ogre?

Our explanation text based on looking after an Ogre

Do you want to look after Ogres?

Are you a lover of magical creatures? If so, explore these instructions about how to look after one of your own.



Before you bring your Ogre home, you will need a swamp and some children because they love children.



Contrary to popular belief, most Ogres are omnivores but they always choose meat over greens.



Ogres should have the right amount of food when they are hungry, if not, they will eat you! So make sure your fridge is full of protein.


Written by a student in 3J

Another brilliant independent write

Harald the Bold


Erik’s brother was known around the settlement as Harald the Bold.


When Harald walked across the village, rocks crumbled into tiny pieces, rainbows faded away and the moon hid behind the sun.


Magnificent and loyal, he was the only Viking that had never lost a battle in history.


An amazing piece of writing by a student in 3J

Our independent write

In 3J this week, our independent write was based on our own Viking. We used a rule of 3 sentence, a pair of adjectives and exaggeration in our writing. Can you spot these in my writing.


Leif the Cosmic

Bjorn’s son was Leif the Cosmic.


When Leif ran, monsters came, people ran away and rocks broke.


Brave and brutal, he had never lost a battle in his whole life.


Written by a student in 3J

Our first piece of writing in 3J

Hiccup the Hesitant

Hiccup the Hesitant was the son of Stoick the Vast.


When Hiccup laughed, flowers bloomed, rabbits hopped around him and dogs and cats came to be petted.


Apprehensive and joyful, pocket-sized and chubby, he had never been on a Viking ship.


Written wonderfully by a student in 3J