A suspense story

I fastened the yellow, stubborn tent. A small lamp flickered. One by one my mates fell asleep, my heart stopped. How many hours until we faced the shadow monster?

The shadow monster crawled out of his sea lair, then he shuffled through the moorland and crept out through the huge forest.

I heard distant scratching getting closer and closer to our tent. My mate screamed in desperation, but a few minutes later I couldn’t hear him at all.

Carlington in 3D

History – The Stone Age – Skara Brae homework

We’ve been looking at a Neolithic settlement called Skara Brae in the Orkney Isles in Scotland. We were being history detectives.

Click on the links below to explore with a grown up. How much can you talk about / explain.


This is an interactive model of Skara Brae.


Have fun!

Miss Samra & Miss Dawson 😊

Hiccup the Puny

Stoick’s son was Hiccup the Puny. When Hiccup skipped fluffy kittens surrounded him, roses grew as big as trees and chicks sung him a beautiful melody.

Nervous and anxious, teeny and miserable he has never slain venomous monsters before.


A shared write by a child in 3D

3J’s Summer Music Concert

Thank you to all parents and family members for attending our summer concert where we showcased our talent from our music lessons this year. We showed how confident we have become in using the recorder playing the octave, notes from high C to low C. We also sang some songs for you all.
What did you enjoy the most?
Which song was your favourite?

Here are some pictures for you from our amazing performance.





An independent non-chronological report about mermaids

A mermaid’s dark side

Most people think that mermaid’s are charming and attractive but people are completely wrong, mermaids are foul creatures! I will walk you through the truth about mermaids.


What do mermaid’s look like?

They have long hair, human-like facial features and sometimes possess scales or fins on their lower body. They look beautiful and elegant but they can have a really evil side to them.


Where does a mermaid live? 

Most mermaids live in an underwater kingdom in the depths of the ocean. The immoral mermaids live in the depths of the vast sea with sharks and crabs.


What do mermaid’s eat?

The only access that mermaids have to underwater sea creatures would be shellfish because fish is full of protein. Salmon is another very good example of this. Some other great examples are lobster, clams, mussels and shrimp.


Did you know fact

The first known record of a mermaid comes from Syria.


A fabulous independent non chronological report by Ismail