Nonsense Poems

We are looking at lots of funny and silly poems.  


Do you like this poem?

Do you think it is funny?

Does it make sense?

Here are some of  our performances:





Well done guys! A great effort in  a short period of time.

Calthorpe Open Day

Year 3  would like to express their thanks to ‘Friends of Calthorpe Haven’ for all their  hard work!  We had a brilliant time today! What was the best thing about today?


The music in the video is a song called Proud.  I like to listen to the lyrics of this song because it makes me feel inspired to achieve. What have you been proud of achieving  in this special  week? ?

What have you been proud of achieving  so far in Year 3?

Natural Scientist.

Today we had a visit from Dr Adam Bates from Birmingham University.  He is a natural scientist who studies insects. He talked to us about his job and the qualifications he needed to be a scientist.