Topic in yr 5!!! By Paige

In yr 5 we have been learning about Fairtrade products. We have been to the co-op, had Pasta Deo to visit us in school and now we are going to make t-shirts, socks puppets and bags, out of recycled things that people don`t need any more. We are hoping that we can raise some money for the New Rock Foundation School in Uganda. At the momment we are drafting and designing our sock puppets and t-shirts and bags. Here are some questions! 🙂

1. What are you putting on your design?

2. What are you making your product out of?

3. Are you going to put the fairtrade symbol or something diffrent?

4. What materials are you going to make your t-shirt, sock puppets or bag with?

With the money we raise you could help lots of kids have a better education and a better life abroad! 😉 I will keep you up to date with are raising money and how we are progressing!!

Sock Puppet!!

Recycled Bag made out of innocent!!!


By: Paige 🙂 😉


10 thoughts on “Topic in yr 5!!! By Paige

  1. what Im going to make out of my designs is a capri sun drink then when its fixed up together I am going to paint it after.

  2. What I am going to put in my design is a symbol of fair trade inside of my capri sun bag and for the outside of my bag I am going to put is patterns and stripes and other things to make it beautiful.

  3. Before when we do our sock monstor,capri sun bag or t shirts we need to do a tally because so we know what the childrens like.

  4. Mrs Devaney and Miss Daniels did a good idea to make our products for outside bearwood primary school so they can give us the money to give it the new rock foundation uganda school.

    • Me Too I’m doing a sports Bag 🙂 😕 🙂 😛 😮 😀 what are you guys doing:?

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