Measuring Up!

In Maths this week we were party planners and had to test out recipes, challenges and games.

We have been estimating, measuring and converting using metric measures such as: centimetres, metres, millilitres, litres, kilograms and grams.

The activities were: making ginger cookies, making our own who wants to be a millionaire power point for converting mass or capacity, making cocktails, completing challenges and playing marbles.


Get talking, get learning

WC: 13.12.10

English:  Next week we will be performing our Pantomime to other classes if we are ready, so please learn your parts at home and assemble any costumes and props that you may need. Please clearly label anything that you bring to school for your performance.

Your reading book and home reading journal needs to be brought to school everyday.

Numeracy:  Next week we are going to make Christmas boxes for the cookies that we made this week. Please explore the nets of cardboard boxes by carefully opening them out. Please bring examples to school on Monday.

Also log onto Sam Learning to find out what super, special maths work is waiting there for you to complete.


Next week we will be finishing, evaluating and using our masks for the pantomime. Please bring in any extra resources that you would like to use on your mask.

 Look on the Y5 blog to find lots of links to helpful and exciting websites.

Get talking, get learning

WC: 6.12.10

English: Next week we will be investigating instructions so that we can find out what the key features of an instruction text is. At home go to Sam Learning to complete the work set on instructions.

Remember that the best writers are readers so make sure that there are at least 3 entries in your home reading journal by next Friday. Your reading book and home reading journal needs to be brought to school everyday.

Numeracy: Next week we are going to become party planners and as planners we will need to measure length, mass and liquids.

Make a list of everything that you know about measures.

Also log onto Sam Learning to find out what super, special maths work is waiting there for you to complete.


Next week we will be making our own masks for the pantomime. Please find pictures of your character that will influence your design. Draw some ideas for your mask.

Big Talk

                        Big Talk

3rd December 2010

 Tomorrow in Writer’s Workshop you are going to write a story entitled, ‘The Lost Instructions’


  • what the instructions were for
  • who lost them
  • wow they were lost
  • what the consequences are
  • how the problem is resolved

 Talk about how you could use:

  • VCOP
  • Your writing targets
  • SOAP
  • WOW words to use
  • 2 A sentences
  • How to use ! and …