Here are two more brilliant Year Three ‘Goal Scorers!’
Please read their wonderful descriptions of a setting. Can you guess what kind of place they are describing?
Which words do you like? If you can think of any ways that the children can improve or uplevel their work then please post your comment!
Thank you for helping us to make our writing even more incredible!
Well done to all the Year Three writers, you really used your senses superbly.
I felt the sand going up and down like the shimmering waves coming to me, also I felt the freezing wind blowing my face off. I tasted the sand, it was dry and disgusting; it tasted like dry cabbage!
By Kabir
I can feel the cold, breezy snow on my hair. I can see the view and the colossal mountains. I can taste soft snow on my tongue. I can hear the bears growling because they are near!
By Donella