Monday 8th November 2010- Gurdwara Trip
On Monday 8th November we will be visiting a Gurdwara as part of our Hooray for Bollywood topic. The reason we are attending a Gurdwara is so we can learn more about Sikhism. In particular we will be exploring celebrations and beliefs in the Sikh faith in preparation for our Diwali assembly. Whilst on the trip will undertake a guided tour of the Gurdwara The cost of this trip is FREE. Please can your childs trip consent form be returned to school as soon as possible.
Thursday 11th November 2010- Diwali Assembly
On Thursday 11th November 2010 Year 3 will be presenting their Diwali assembly in the Junior Hall. Parents are more than welcome to attend and we look forward to seeing as many as possible at the assembly. The assembly starts at 2:30pm prompt.