Now we have started looking at our 3, 4 and 8 x tables, we want you to enjoy getting active and practising them by using BBC Supermovers.
Miss Samra & Miss Dawson 😊
Now we have started looking at our 3, 4 and 8 x tables, we want you to enjoy getting active and practising them by using BBC Supermovers.
Miss Samra & Miss Dawson 😊
We’ve been looking at a Neolithic settlement called Skara Brae in the Orkney Isles in Scotland. We were being history detectives.
Click on the links below to explore with a grown up. How much can you talk about / explain.
This is an interactive model of Skara Brae.
Have fun!
Miss Samra & Miss Dawson 😊
Stoick’s son was Hiccup the Puny. When Hiccup skipped fluffy kittens surrounded him, roses grew as big as trees and chicks sung him a beautiful melody.
Nervous and anxious, teeny and miserable he has never slain venomous monsters before.
A shared write by a child in 3D