Our Fabulous Ukele Lesson

Every Wednesday afternoon we are so lucky we get the chance to play the ukelele.  We can now take our instrument home to practice too which is great fun!  We are so lucky to have this opportunity to do ukelele and we always look forward to our ukelele lesson.


In Numeracy this week we have been learning about fractions.  We are now learning what is half of a number and what is a quarter of that number.  For example what is half of 24? and what is a quarter of 24?

My drawing of a Robot and a Spaceship!

In Topic this week we are learning about “Back to the Future”.  Our class teacher asked us what the future might look like in many, many years from now!!

I decided to draw my two favourite things, this was a robot and a spaceship.  I really enjoyed doing my drawings and I will be either painting them or using different materials like tissue paper, crepe Paper, wool and art straws to make them look even more amazing!!

My description of the Future! By Alaiah

Firstly I gently opened my brown eyes and saw that I was in the mega, mighty metalic future.  I couldn’t stop staring at the amazing, shiny transporter that was flying in the sky.  Suddenly my eye caught the fabulous fantastic building that was sparkling so bright and it had lots of dazzling lights hanging down. Next I started to wonder around then I saw the water that was as sparkling as a shiny castle.

Please give me feedback on my writing.  Thank you.


My description of the Future! By Daniel

First I opened my eyes and then there were cars flying and buildings were  blue and green but the lights were different, vibrant colours.  The rainbow was lighter than the sun! I was amazed and shocked so I stood there completely frozen. Then I really knew where I was; I was in the future! I could see the humongous, gigantic, huge buildings; they were so big that even Spiderman could not climb to the top!

King Futurama’s Secret Mission


I will not be coming to speak to you again until next week as I have got better things to do. 

Please could you reply to me and tell me which items you have chosen for your future world and the total cost.

Good luck in your mission- you will need it!


King Futurama

A Future Robot has just arrived!

Hello I was wondering if you could help me and my friend.  We are from the future and we have just landed here.  Could you please tell us what planet or galaxy we are on.  What year is this and we can’t even remember our names.

Could you please think of some brillant names for me and my friend and answer our questions we have asked you.  Thank you so much and please help us.