Finally we have our new arrivals in the class…the eggs have hatched and we now have six gorgeous
yellow baby chicks! We have named them all as they are very different to each other and have their own personalities.
Because the chicks have hatched they no longer need to be kept in the incubator. They now have a giant cage where they live in our classroom. Inside the cage the chicks have food, water and a heater. They need the heater still because they are only young and
they might get cold so they need to be kept warm.
Also in the cage we have put down shredded paper this is so the chicks can sleep and be comfy. We are always checking on the chicks throughout the day as we are now their mummies and daddies, and it is our responsibility to look after them and
make sure they have love, food and care. This will help them to stay alive and grow.
Every morning two new monitors check the cage by cleaning it and emptying out the paper, and giving the chick’s fresh food and water. We also sit in a big circle and get the chicks out the cage and let them have a run around. We sit quietly so they don’t get scared; we also get to stroke them and it’s amazing!