[slideshow]This morning there was exciting news because one of the eggs had hatched. When Miss came to get us she said that she had got some fantastic news but she would tell us until we came up stairs. I couldn’t guess what the news was! I felt excited to find out.
When we got to the class we all lined up, then Miss told us that we had a new arrival and the baby chick had hatched but it wasn’t a chick it was a bit smaller! Then we had to be really silent so that it didn’t get scared and terrified. We went by the eggs and one of the eggs was wriggling and I looked over and saw one of the other eggs had…hatched! Everyone was so excited to see it, we found out that it was a quail not a chick because it had hatched out of the little egg. The quail was trying to make the others hatch. It is so cute and it looks grey to me. I think it’s a boy because it just looks like a boy to me! It’s got little feet and he walks with small footsteps. When it walks it always squeaks and we have been hearing it squeak a lot. His moms are Miss Smith and Miss Mortimer because he hasn’t got a real mum.
One of the other eggs was trying to hatch but it was stuck, this was the wriggling egg I just told you about. If we make any noise we might frighten it and it is only little. We are going to look after all the eggs and hopefully help them to ‘Come Alive’. We need to feed them and care for them. The other quail is trying to get out of it’s egg still and we will write to you again when it hatches. ..
Wednesday 29th June
ANOTHER NEW QUAIL HAS ARRIVED! After lunch when I came back to class I couldn’t believe it another Quail has cracked his shell and has hatched. I’m still not sure whether the other eggs will have anything hatch out of them, we need to really look after them. I will let you know if the next egg to hatch is a quail or a chick…..