Literacy – Now you know what a legend is? Can you find out about any more legends from Britain. Think about Robin Hood. Get researching! Can you all write one question for our curiosity wall?
Phonics– Learn your new sounds from this week. Can you read and write all the new words you have taken home this week? Share a book everyday with someone at home.
Numeracy – In Numeracy next week we are still going to be measuring! We are going to move on to weighing and measuring liquids (capacity), because we are going to become scientific investigators! Which material will make the best Superhero costume? This weekend explore the kitchen and sewing box to find measuring equipment and get measuring. Make us a poster to show what you have learnt about measuring.
Mathletics- How many points have you got now? Remember to get on the Internet and log on to Mathletics to help your learning. If your family have any questions about Mathletics come along to the Mathletics drop in on Tuesday after school.
Next week in ‘I’ve Got the Power’, we will be continuing to create our very own superhero learning room. This weekend become a secret house detective. Explore your house and make a list/drawing of all the resources in your house that help you learn. Think about how they are stored and what shape they are. How would you make them to fit into your superhero room?
Come prepared with ideas or even one object to put in your room…