9 thoughts on “Year 5 Homework

  1. My 10 facts
    • Mars has a lot of mountains which are really massive.
    • Mars has really weak gravity that cannot hols atmosphere.
    • Mars is only 6,800km from the earth.
    • The total of the mass at Mars is only 10%.
    • The first space ship arrived in the 1965s.
    • Mars does not have any oceans, rivers or lakes.
    • Every two years Mars and earth line up so missions can be sent.
    • The name Mars comes from a roman god of war.
    • Mars is the closest to earth.
    • The largest volcano in the solar system is in mars and is called Olympus Mons.

  2. Hello Grade 5 ( Attention Paul) Just wanted to say a big hello to all the staff and students in grade 5. We Are in Melbourne Australia. My children are in grade 6 , grade 3 and grade 1. We enjoyed looking through your blog and comparing your school homework and projects to what we are going here at our school here in Berwick Victoria Australia.. Our school is the 2nd biggest in the state of Victoria. We have 1080 children this year at our school, We have lots of fun at school also. Maybe you can find us on the map of Victoria. our blog is sites.berwickfieldsps.vic.edu.au We have a kitchen garden and wetlands. A great perfoming art studio and a large sports program. Our school is so colourful , fun and also works with the community. We look forward to hearing from you your Australian school friends.

  3. My first fact is that Mars is very small it has a diameter of 6,800km that just half the earths and it’s total mass is only 10% of the earths.

    My second fact is that people thought that Mars had water. Before the first spacecraft was lached wich was in 1965 nobody had seen Mars. Irregular patches on Mars were explained as lakes and oceans, on the other hand however some people said they could see dark lines crisscrossing and imagined these were a water supply of a dying civilisation but it was just an illusion and Mars has a dry, dusty desert on the surface.
    My third fact it that Mars does have water. Mars might not have pools of water but NASA’s Mars Odyssey spacecraft discovered ginormous layers of water underneath Mars’s surface all across in the form of ice.

    My forth fact is that Mars is a planet that most people study it Mars receives a giant number of spacecrafts on successful ( and little number of unsuccessfully) on missions.

    My fifth fact is that Mars’s nickname the red planet because it is covered with reddish like dust, even the atmosphere is a pinkish red.

    My sixth fact is that Mars has a weaker gravity than earth and can not cling onto the atmosphere well.

    My seventh fact is that Mars owns the tallest mountain in the solar system and it Olympus Mons and it is 27 kilometres and is shaped like a shield and flows lava.

    My eighth fact is Mars experiences ferocious dust storms that are always change it’s surface.

    My ninth fact is that it’s polar ice caps are made of dry ice which lies over a layer of ice.

    My tenth fact is that Mars also owns the longest,deepest canyon which is 7km deep and 6,800 km across.

  4. Mars is nickname is red planet because of all of the dust that has collected on the planet.

    dangerous dust storms have hit Mars and have made it change.

    Mars has many volcano’s and is home to Olympus.

    Mars is a very thin planet which is made of carbon dioxide mostly.

    Mars is not thick enough to trap the sun’s heat like Venus.

    On winter night’s Mars can get up to minus 120 Celsius.

    Mars doesn’t have much gravity so it can’t carry heavy objects.

    Space craft had first arrived on Mars in 1965.

    Mars had two tiny asteroids which are each the size of the moon called phobos and deimos.

    If you try to stand on Mars without a space suit you will die straight away!

  5. Mr Burden and Mr Murphy these are my ten facts about Mars:
    1. Marses moons are all formed in all sorts of different shapes and sizes.
    2. things about Mars
    diameter: 6,794
    length of one day: 24hours 37min
    distance from the sun: 228,000,000 kilometer
    orbit around the sun: 682 Earth days
    3. Mars planet profile
    Mass; 641,693,000,000,000billion KG [0.107x Earth]
    Equatorial diameter: 6,806
    polar diameter: 6,755
    Equatorial circumference: 21,297 KM
    known moons: 2
    notable moons: phobos and deimmos
    orbit distance: 227,943,824 KM
    orbit period: 686.98 Earth days [1.38 AU]
    surface tempreture: -87 -5°C
    First record: 2nd millennium BC
    Recorded by: Egyption astronomers
    4.Mars is the home of the tallest mountain in the solar system [21 KM high and 600 KM in diameter. might still be active].
    5. Mars has the largest dust storms in the solar system.
    6. only 18 missions to Mars have been succesful out of 40.
    7. pieces of Mars have fallen on Earth before.
    8. Mars was named after the god of war.
    9. Mars and Earth approximatly the same landmass.
    10. Mars is the forth planet away from the Sun.

  6. 1. Before the first spacecraft arrived at Mars in 1965, nobody had ever seen Mars up close. 

    2. There are 2 names for mars. There is mars and red plannet. Sometimes it is known as dusty,rocky surface and a thin atmosphere.
    2. Mars has very weak gravity which cannot hold onto the atmosphere well
    3. Mars experiences violent dust storms which continually change its surface.
    4. Mars is small
    5. Mars has water
    6. Mars has the tallest mountain in the Solar System
    7. It rises up 27 kilometers above the surrounding plains
    8. We have pieces of Mars on Earth
    9. Mars is crawling and buzzing with spacecraft
    10. And more spacecraft are on their way to Mars

    By zishaan

    continually change its surface.
    4. Mars has many channels, plains and canyons on the surface which could have been caused by water erosion in the past.

  7. 1. Mars is also known as the red planet.
    2. They say that the plant will have future exploration by humans.
    3. Mars Rovers have been successful and unsuccessful in their mission.
    4. The Rovers gather samples for scientists to study.
    5. Mars experiences quite a lot of dust storms every now and then.
    6. There are huge deposits of water under the surface of mars.
    7. Mars has the largest mountain in the solar system, it rises up to 27 km in height.
    8. Mars has two tiny asteroids called Phobos and Deimos.
    9. Mars is not thick enough to trap the suns heat like other planets. That is why mars is cold.
    10. Scientists take out a SUV sized lab to crawl across Mars for evidence of life.

  8. Mars is the 4th planet away from the sun. It is also called the red planet. The reason it is called the red planet is because of the red sand that it is covered in. It’s not just the dry, rocky grounds that are red the atmosphere is a pinky-red. Mars have many volcanoes but the largest one is Mons. It is easy to remember because it is probably the closest word to Mars. Did you know that Mars is actually a pretty small planet; it’s just that much bigger than Earth. Finally, the last fact is that it is the topic we are learning. p.p.s no one has ever been to Mars because of how hot it is, the heat will scorch your skin.

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