My Trip To Snowdonia. By Udeshpal

On Saturday 28th of July me and my family went to Snowdonia (Snowdonia is in Wales by the way). It took us about 2 and a half hours to get there but we made it. When we got there we started to settle in and my dad put on the olympics to watch. Me and my little brother went outside to play with this dog called Bisto. Also when it turned about 5:45pm a cat named Poppy came up to em when i was sitting on a bench and it came and jumped up. Then it jumped  again and went to it’s owner. After that i just went inside.

On Sunday my dad went to an information center to get some infoabout Snowdonia and he also got some brochures to see what places in Snowdonia are top attractions. Then we went to this mountain. Me and my family were climbing it when my mum and my big brother diidn’t want to climb any more so they went back. Me, my little brother and my dad carried on. when we had finishesd we saw my mum and my big brother. Me, My dad and my little brother had gone in a circle. When we were coming back home we saw this resturant called spice bank and we decided that me and my family could eat dinner there. we booked a table for five at 8:00pm. We had a little bit of time so we went to the beach. when it turned 7:55pm we headed to the resturant. we got ther at about 7:58pm so we went to our table and we ordred some drinks then we went to get our food because it was a buffet and a resturant. it was only a buffet night on sunday’s. After the buffet we went home and went to sleep.

On Monday we went to this place called sygun copper mines and me and my family saw lots of stairs to climb up. It said on this board that there was 106 steps and it was tiring. After that we went to this place called a moutain walk. It was tiring and exhilirating. After the mountain walk we went on a lakeside walk then we went on a train. After that we got some ice cream and then we just went home.

On Tuesday we went to this mining place called ‘Go Below’. It was wet,  and phenominal. We got to climb a waterfall and we got to abseil and more. We got to do all sorts. After that we went for a ride around snowdonia then we went home.

On Wednesday we went to this place called snowdon moutain railway. The trains go up to mount snowdon and also come back down from there. Fact: Mount snowdon is the biggest mountain in the whole of Snowdonia and it’s all the way up in the mountains. We got the train to go up and we walked all the way down. It took 2 and a half hours. It took 2 hours to just get down and it took half an hour to get back to our car. After that we just went home and i just went to bed.

On Thursday we went over to this place called the anglesey model villiage. It was kind of like legoland. After that we went to this nature world called Pili Palas. It was like you were in a jungle. It was one of top ten attractions. There was a tropical butterfly paradise. Butterflies flew everywhere.Then we went to this bird house and there was also this place called lizard land. We also went to this place called snake house. We also saw a basaliskand and me and my brothers got to hold a royal python. After that we just came home.

Friday was a painful day. It was exhilirating as well but mostly painful. We went paintballing. There were 8 rounds. 4 rounds for my team and 4 rounds for the other team. On the 1st round I shot 4 peple. On the 2nd round I shot 3 people and i got hit in the arm and i got hit in the head. Luckily we had these helmets so we didn’t get shot in the eye or in the mouth. Then it was half time because 4 rounds had gone. After the half time we went back. on the 3rd round I got hit one the knee and I got hit on the back of my head. The 4 th round was the last round so me and these two boys Noah and James hid behind these barrels and we shot the enemy team and then we just started shoting in the air because it was the end of the round. It was a lot of fun and it was funny. The reason it was funny beacause at the end of the round the captain of the paintballing got this boy and his girlfriend and the boys girlfriend shot the boy in the knee head and she hit her boyfriend in the chest. That has got to be painful. the reason it was painful was beacause the paintballs were really hard and they gave my dad lot’s of bruises.

On saturday we went on a train ride. It was our last day at Snowdonia. the train ride was fantastic.  After the train ride we just went home. It was really quick to get back home. It just felt like 20 minutes. When we came back to birmingham we went to my grandad’s house and then we went to our real home.

And that is my trip to Snowdonia.

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