5H We got it wrong!!!

The question was which is denser, cool air or warm air?

We said warm air, find out why cool air is denser.

There’s a prize for the most accurate answer.

24 thoughts on “5H We got it wrong!!!

    • Wait i have another explanation
      cold air atoms are more thicker as for hot air ,
      it is more thinner.
      Like if somebody had a go on a hot air balloon
      when it is flying the hot air carries the force because the atoms
      are thinner therefore it causes it to flow easier.

  1. Heat exites atoms and causes them to occupy more volume in space. So therefore, the hotter your air is, the thinner it is. Or vice versa, the cooler it is, denser it is. Thats the reason why cold air is denser then warm air.

  2. It’s all about atoms. Hot atoms race around , while cold stay more still.For example , If you have ice it is has more mass , therefore , has more density. If you have water it weighs less so less denisity

  3. The cold air is denser,because the cold atoms are thicker denser and have more mass.Warm atoms are less denser and move more.Therefore creating heat.

    • The molecules are packed closer together
      in cold air which makes it heavier. In warm air
      they are further apart, that makes it lighter.

  4. heat exites atoms and causes them to occupy more volume in space.
    i think that means that the hotter the air the thinner the air. or vice versa the cooler the air the denser the air

  5. cool air because

    The cold air is denser, because the cold atoms are thicker, denser. and have more mass. Warm atoms are less dense and move more.

  6. Miss I want to ask when are we going to find out who won the prize to the
    question, which is denser cool air or warm air?

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