Day 1 at school

Y5 did some team building games with hoops and a parachute. We tried to keep the ball in the middle of the parachute by using team work and moving and lifting it up. Also we played a game where we were in groups and needed to pass the hoop around while holding hands. When we came back we played top trumps with our partners and planned how to make our own, we looked at the properties of materials and planned how to make our own cards.







Job Advert – Digital Leaders – If you’re interested and would like an application form, please speak to Mr Murphy!

Student Staff required 2023-2024

Job title:

Digital Leaders (Y5 & Y6)

Job description:

  • attend regular Digital Leaders meetings/training sessions; FRIDAY LUNCHTIMES 1pm – 1.30pm
  • take part in Safer Internet Day – February – leading assemblies for KS1 and KS2.
  • lead assemblies on E-Safety;
  • assist with technology within class – such as handing out the iPads
  • communicate/listen to ideas from classes on aspects of technology from meetings attended;
  • report any issues with equipment/technology to their teacher.


Start/ finish date:

October 2023 – July 2024

Skills and experience required:

Good knowledge of ICT equipment

Ability to listen to instructions

Be able to support adults/children when using technology


Required by:


Our day at school

Hello everyone,

Today we started off the day by playing some TT rockstars before heading to assembly. After breaktime, we designed our own escape rooms and came up with some puzzles for our classmates to solve. Later, we started making our mountain models.  We are ending the school day by doing some reading plus and playing with our mountain top trumps cards that we have made!

Sumaya, Sheraz and the rest of year 5!