What do YOU think?

In Literacy we are learning about issues and dilemmas. What would you do in these situations?

Can you see more than one option?
Can you see different points of view?

Make it clear in your comment which situation you are talking about.

Mrs Griffiths and Miss Martindale

1) There is a deadly disease going around Bearwood that will kill you in under 24 hours. After you have treated yourself, you only have one dose of the medicine that will cure the victims. There is a horse with the disease and a human. Who do you give the medicine to? Why?

2) What if the two people with the disease were both humans. They are a baby and a 80 year old man. Who would you save?

3) You are a man whose wife has a terrible heart condition. There is a medicine that can save her but it costs £1 million pounds and you are poor. If you don’t get the medicine she will die. But you will almost certainly be put in prison for life if you get caught stealing. Would you steal the medicine from the chemist? Why? Why not?

4) What if the medicine only cost £12.99. Does this change your decision? Do you think it should?

Can you add your own dilemma for people to think about?

46 thoughts on “What do YOU think?

  1. Dilemma number 1

    I would save the horse because there are less horses in the world.

    Dilemma number 2

    I would save the baby because the 80 year old man has had a longer life.

    Dilemma number 3

    I would save the woman and steal because the women is your wife.

    By max

    1. Yeah I agree with you max because humans can have treatments so I would choose the horse. And I would also save the baby because the 80 year old man would have medicines. And I would steal the medicine for my wife because I would steal from the pharmacy at night and block the cameras. But I would change my mind because it would be £12.99.

  2. Dilema 2

    I would save baby
    because the 80 year old man will die before the baby. And the baby has an whole life ahead of him.The 80 year old man has had his life all ready

    1. I will also save the baby`s life becuase she/he has a whole life ahed and the 80 yr old man have already had his life!!!!

      1. I agree paige the baby should be saved because the old man has already lived his life and the baby hasn’t done as much.

  3. 1) i would save the baby because it is younger
    2) i would save the horse
    3) i would steal the medicen because you need to save them

  4. dilemma number 2

    i would save the baby because its just born and its got a whole new life ahead and the man is old and is close too dieing.

    dilemma number 3

    i would steal the medcine because i wouldunt want my wife to die.
    i wouldunt be able to afford it. I wouldunt want to be in jail in the police station.
    But if it was £12.99 i would be able to afford it.

    dilemma number 1

    I would give the medicine to the horse because they dont have treatments and humans get lots of treatments like nurses who will help them.

  5. dillema 1

    I would save the human because horses will be around for years.

    dillema 2

    I would save the baby because the 80 year old mans life is ahead of the babys life.

    dillema 3

    I would steal the medicine because the lady is your wife and if you are poor than you would not have £1 million pounds.

    dillema 4

    If I had £12.99 than I would buy the medicine but if I don’t have enough money than I would still steal even if I go to jail I would still save my wife.

    1. Udeshpal your answer to dilemma 1 dosent make sense because humans have been around for millions of years and still will be in the future.
      So what do you mean that horses will be around for years.

  6. I dont quite understand either these are my opinions for the dilemas:
    Dilema 1
    I would save the humans life because a horse is as important but I think that the human would appritiate it more.
    Dilema 2
    I would save the baby because it hasn’t lived as many years as the old man.
    I would steal the medicine for my wife even if it means I go to prison.
    If the medicine costs £12.99 it demends on how much money I have.

  7. 1) There is a deadly disease going around Bearwood that will kill you in under 24 hours. You only have one dose of the medicine that will cure the victims. There is a horse with the disease and a human.

    i would give it to the human because i think that if it would be a horse it might be old and it would die anyway quicker than the human

    2) What if the two people with the disease were both humans. They are a baby and a 80 year old man. Who would you save?

    i would save the baby because the 80 years old man it quit old and the baby i think is more important

    3) You are a man whose wife has a terrible heart condition. There is a medicine that can save her but it costs £1 million pounds and you are poor. If you don’t get the medicine she will die. But you will almost certainly be put in prison for life if you get caught stealing. Is it right for you to steal the medicine from the chemist? Why? Why not?

    i think i would steal l it because that person is very important to you

    4) What if the medicine only cost £12.99. Does this change your decision? Do you think it should?

    if it only cost that much i would buy it from all the money i got or ask for some and i would not steal

    1. yes karolina you are right because the baby has only lived a bit of time in the world but the man has lived in the world more than the baby.

  8. Just to throw a spanner in the works- in the problem with the baby and the old man, what if you know the old man, maybe he was a relative of yours but you didn’t know the baby? What do you think now? Miss Martindale

  9. I think the baby should have the medicent because the man (79) had his life but the baby did not start his life yet. 🙂

  10. I would save the baby because the old man has had a long life but the babies life is only just starting.IF the old man was my grandad I would save my grandad because he is in my family and the baby is a stranger

  11. I would save the baby becauce it has not even had a life before but if the old man was my grandad I would save him

  12. Dilemma 1) I would save the horse because there are humans will live for years.

    Dilemma 2) I would save the 80 year old man because he might be relative.

    Dilemma 3) I would steal and go to jail because atleast you are saving somebody’s life.

  13. “But remember in this problem there are only 2 doses of the medicine. There is no other treatment that the human can have! Miss Martindale”

    Now I understand.
    1) I would save the horse because the horse could be worth a lot of money. If a farmer uses the horse to earn money.

    2) I would save the baby because the baby had just started a new life and the old man has maybe already lived a full life.

    3) I would raise money to pay for the medicine in order to save the wife. Because I am too poor to pay for it by myself and stealing is wrong. And my wife will not want me to go to prison.

    4) If the medicine was only £12.99 I may borrow money from family because I am too poor.

  14. 1) I would save the horse because there is not many left in the world.
    2) I would save the baby because the man has had a life and is going to die anyway and the baby still has a whole life in front of them.
    3) I would steal the medicne because i would protect my family no matter what

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