
Next half term we will be starting our new topic called Splash.

What do you think we will be learning about?


Post your ideas and discuss below.

Sorting 3D Shapes by Justin and Fozia

In Numeracy we used 3D shapes to sort them into Venn diagrams, also we used the hoops to sort them into a Carroll diagram or a Venn diagram. For example:

no vertices, blue triangle or both.

We counted the vertices, edges and points. We used the equipment to sort them into their correct places .We had targets to try and achieve in our numeracy books. Many of us were able to describe 3D shapes using their properties including right angles and number of vertices, edges and faces.

What criteria did you sort your shapes into?

This is not just an ordinary advert…4P

Year 4 have been extremely busy planning, creating, writing and performing to create their own adverts.  You may recognise the theme…

Year 4 are now going to become advert  critics and attend their own BAA (Bearwood Advertisement Achievement) Awards Ceremony presented by the one and only Mrs Hadley.

Who will you vote for in 4P?

This is not just an ordinary advert….4D

Year 4 have been extremely busy planning, creating, writing and performing to create their own adverts.  You may recognise the theme…

Year 4 are now going to become advert  critics and attend their own BAA (Bearwood Advertisement Achievement) Awards Ceremony presented by the one and only Mrs Hadley.

Who will you vote for in 4D?

Tickling Our Tastebuds

On Friday Year 4 came together to taste different flavourings that we could put in chilli.  This ranged from the light, fluffy marshmallows to the deep red chilli powder! Don’t worry we all had permission and we could choose what to try…


What did you taste and how would you describe the taste?