Well done to everyone in Year 4!

Mrs Griffiths and Miss Martindale want to say thank you to all of the wonderful children in Year 4 who have worked so hard this half term. We have had a spectacular time teaching you and we hope you have enjoyed yourselves whilst learning lots too!

Also, thank you for teaching us so much. Remember- you never stop learning. It is about being a learner for life!

Year 4's Chocolate Factory. By Kamal and Shannon

Yesterday we made chooclate and we used all of our preperation for real. We used the instructions we had written and the flavours we had chosen when we evaluated earlier in the topic.There was a choice of dark choclate, milk choclate and white choclate or all 3 mixed.  Also milk and white, milk and dark or white and dark choclate. Different children made completely different chocolates with a range of flavours.

Finally we made our final packaging using our design sheet that we had practiced on. We can’t wait to taste the delectable delights we have made!

Recording our adverts. Post by Kyle and Udeshpal

Today at school our classroom was transformed into a recording studio . We had great fun and we used audacity and we used microphons to record our voice over. It was tricky at first but evantually we got it!Then when we finished with our adacity we went on movie making and we put our record onto a time line and we put images on so it won’t be plain.Next lesson where going to add text onto our advert’s ( do not eat this chilly if you are silly) how was your day today y4?

The Chilean Miners are rescued!

This morning we watched some of the video footage of the miners first emerging from the mines with amazement. Everybody felt so relieved that the miners were safe and it was heart warming to see the men reunited with their family. We discussed how they might have been feeling at different points of the ordeal as our bright start activity.

Tomorrow in Writers Workshop you will be imagining that you are on of the miners.

You will write a letter to a friend to tell them all about your time spent in the mine.

How did you feel at different times? – when the mine collapsed – after a few days – when you received letters from your loved ones- when you heard the news that you would be rescued- when you emerged from the mine.

What happened in the mine? Were there any creepy crawlies or other scary events?

How did the other miners react? What actions did they make? Did anybody feel angry? miserable? excited? anxious?

What did you do when you came out of the mine?

This will be a fictional letter that is based on real fact. Include real facts if you know them, but be sure to make your writing lively and interesting!

How will you create suspense? (Short sentences, unanswered questions, building up of tension and excitement).

You will need to describe the events, setting and your feelings in detail so be prepared and come to school ready with a whole load of ideas!