A bunch of delicious flavours. By Harjun and Hammaad


Today in topic we have had great fun tasting the different flavours like almond, Chilli flakes, banana chips,glacier cherries  and apricots.

We have been asked by Cadburys to make our scrumptous, mouth watering, velvety chocolate so that Cadburys can have a  new product!

Some of the flavours  were really tasty and some were abit to sweet and spicy.

Hammaad’s favourite flavour was the  really sweet raisins. Harjuns favourite  flavour was the burning hot chilli flakes.

What was your favourite flavour Year 4?

What is the difference between an Emperor and a King?

Shawon has asked me this tricky question in class. To be honest, I wasn’t certain of the answer and had to do some research.

I have attempted to answer Shawon’s question. If anyone can give a better answer then please feel free to comment!

An Emperor is the head (leader) of an Empire and King is the head of a Kingdom.

So in order to understand what this means you need to know what an ’empire’ and a ‘kingdom’ is.

An empire is a  made up of different countries or states, held together and ruled by the strongest nation in the group. History has seen the rise and fall of many great empires, such as those of Egypt, Rome, Germany, and Japan.
An emporer is the ruler of an empire, or group of nations or states.

A kingdom is usually just one country ruled by a King or Queen.

A king usually rules only one area or people, but an emporer rules over several.

I hope that helps you Shawon!

What is your favourite advert?

This week in literacy you will be writing and filming your own advert for your chocolate product that you have designed.

Which is your favourite advert on tv?

Watch the adverts below.

What features do they use?

What features will you use in your advert?
Which do you like best? Why?

Please let me know if there is another advert that you would like me to add to the blog.








Can you tell the time?

Use these websites to help you learn:





Reversible and irreversible changes. Post written by Max.


Today in science we have been learning about reversible and irreversible changes.we decided that ice would be a reversible change and chocolate would also be a reversible change if they were melted because they would both turn back into a solid if they were cooled. we also made rice crispie cakes and thought about how the particles changed at each stage.There were 3 main stages :

1) Breaking the chocolate when the chocolate started of f as a solid with lots of pieces of chocolate attached.

2) melting the chocolate

3)  cooling the chocolate. We found that when solids are heated the particles get more energy and vibrate and move more. This lesson was fun! What did you learn?

Post by Max .

Fortunately, Unfortunately Game.

We have enjoyed playing a new game this week.

To play one person begins with a sentence (e.g., One day Little Johnny walked to the local shoe shop).

The next person tells of something unfortunate that happens (e.g., Unfortunately, Little Johnny was hit by a refrigerator.).

The following person contributes a fortunate event (e.g., Fortunately, the refrigerator was made entirely of marshmallows).

The fourth person will contribute an unfortunate event (e.g., Unfortunately, these marshmallows had poisonous spikes on them)

The fifth person will contribute a fortunate event (e.g., Fortunately, the spikes also contained the antidote), and the process is repeated for as long as you have ideas!

Play along with me now. I will give you the first sentence.

Excitedly, Miss Martindale  raced into school on Monday morning…

Please add your fortunately and unfortunately posts. Be sure to read what others have written before you post so that we have a series of linked ideas.


Anansi the Spider


We have been reading the story of Anansi and the Banana bird this week and have created a wonderful hall display based on the story. Photos will follow.

Anansi the trickster is a cunning and intelligent spider, and is one of the most important characters of West African and Caribbean folklore. The Anansi stories are believed to have started in Ghana before spreading to the West Indies and beyond.
There are several stories based around Anansi, who also sometimes appears in the form of a man.

Why don’t you retell the story of Anansi and the Banana bird here?


Science Investigation- Dissolving


Our Question: Do all solids dissolve?

Share your investigation here.

What method did you use?
How was it a fair test?
What did you find out?
What affects how quickly a solid dissolves?

What do you think will happen to the solutions that we leave on the window sill for a week?