Birds of Prey By Mohsin

On Saturday we went to the library to see a special session of birds of prey and it was really fun. We got to actually hold the birds and stroke them. Most of the birds were soft but the Canadian owl was a bit ticklish. It was the biggest owl I had ever seen. The best part was when it flapped its wings all the air hovered over my face. It was awesome! The hawks were the most vicious because when they kill, they rip their prey into bits. The little owl was the cutest although, it is still a bird of prey. This was the best activity I have done. It was very exciting and I learnt so much about the different kinds of birds of prey.



Barn  Owl

 Owl ears are located one higher than the other, which helps them to heart tiny sounds. When they fly, the left ear captures sounds below, while the right ear hears sounds from above.





Harris Hawk

Harris hawks hunt as a group, they have really good vision 8 times better than human vision.




Bengal Eagle owl

This owl lives in Asia it eats mice ,birds, reptiles and frogs. It can weigh up to 2kg.





Snow owl

Snow owls are found in North America, they eat mice and other little mammals





Female Harris Hawk

The female is 35% more bigger than the male. The Harris Hawk has a wing span of 1.1 metres.

They are mostly found in South America.



 Male Hawk

Hawks are strong, powerful birds. Their feet have sharp, curved talons for capturing prey, and their strong beaks are hooked for biting and tearing flesh.





Barn Owl

Barn Owls are the most common owls in this country.




Little Tawny Owl

Like all owls, the wings of a tawny owl are completely silent, when they fly you can’t hear them !





Kestrels have very good eyesight even in extremely poor light, allowing them to hunt almost until dark.




Canadian great horned owl

Females are heavier and bigger than males. They live in Canada.




owl video


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