Say no to bullying rap by Nathan.

Don’t bully because of the way they look so you don’t get in trouble even at home, not even at school or anywhere. So if you call a name well you need to think again, think before you say, you could offend someone. Do not call a name. You will need to make it all ok.
If they have hurt you don’t hurt them back just tell them to stop don’t hold back. If they don’t, don’t be afraid to say your piece. Tell the teacher or an adult you trust.
Don’t laugh at me don’t call me names otherwise you need to think again.

The reason I made this no name calling rap/song was because at our school this week it has been brought to light that too many people call other pupils names. In assembly we have been playing a song called don’t laugh at me. This is the link  

 Tell us what you think in a comment box! Hope you liked the rap/song also I hope you like the song on YouTube. Please don’t call anyone names it does hurt. Thank you.

Being creative in PE.

This week, 4P have been creative and have used the medium of dance to explain and show the water cycle.

Their challenge was to show these key words: evaporation, condensation, precipitation.

Can you see these stages of the water cycle in our dances?

Help! The videos will not upload.

4P and 4D have both explored the water cycle this week and were asked to choose a way to show their understanding. Unfortunately I can not upload the videos. Can you help me, by commenting below, to explain what the water cycle is? I have attached the website to help you.

Do you have any interesting facts you could share?

Year 4 to the Rescue!

Right Year 4 lets use all our mathematical skills to help Miss Smith.  We must help her to become Jamie Oliver to amaze and dazzle her party guests.

We have the recipes now we need to work together to calculate the new amounts and get her shopping list organised!

Can we do it?

How will we do it?

Art by Aneesha and Ismaa

On Tuesday we made art pictures about waves. We used acrylic paint we used lots of fantastic, bright different colours. We used colours like Blue, White, Yellow, and Green and Black to make our waves.  We had to draw our own pictures of waves and water.  We think it was really fun making our own artistic pictures like Claude Monet.

How would you paint your wave?

Literacy by Zuzanna and Ali

On Wednesday 1st of February we wrote our first chapter of our imaginary stories. We are then going to  write two more chapters and publish our stories. We already made our characters also our setting. We got the idea from Avatar and Pirates of the Carribean. We chose those films because they are fantasy films

Look at our post of our stories so far…

Numeracy by Jed and Haven

Today in numeracy we measured  our water and squash  to make our drink just right and we used ratio. For example we measured the ratio of squash to water like

 squash: water


is 100ml:400ml

What did you learn today?

Getting Creative!

Simran has been working with her Mum to be creative.  She said she kept giving up on her own.  Well done to Simran’s Mum for helping Simran to develop her persistence.