Year 4's Chocolate Factory. By Kamal and Shannon

Yesterday we made chooclate and we used all of our preperation for real. We used the instructions we had written and the flavours we had chosen when we evaluated earlier in the topic.There was a choice of dark choclate, milk choclate and white choclate or all 3 mixed.  Also milk and white, milk and dark or white and dark choclate. Different children made completely different chocolates with a range of flavours.

Finally we made our final packaging using our design sheet that we had practiced on. We can’t wait to taste the delectable delights we have made!

9 thoughts on “Year 4's Chocolate Factory. By Kamal and Shannon

  1. It was very cayotic yesterday making the
    chocolate but it was fun and we never ran out
    of time and my chocolate was tasty and rich
    and the honey made it tastier
    my packet was so swirrly it could hipnotise someone

  2. Darshana your choclate sounds lovely I wish I had tried it. I remember when we went last year with Miss Martindale it was funner than fun!

  3. Hi,i bet you had lots of fun. Shannon told me eveything you done you must be chocolatetiers.Did you like your chocolates?

  4. OH! When I was in y4 I had made honey chocolate, I hope you enjoyed going to cadbury world. In y4 I also went to cadbury worl, it was bewildering. I hope you have learnt loads about how chocolate is made and loads about aztecs.

  5. Delectable delights for sure! It was really hard for me not to go to the shop after reading this post because you made me want some chocolate! Have a great holiday

  6. Making the velvety,scrumptious chocolate was really enjoyable!In my chocolate i had blazing chilli.I bet the chocolate will be delectable!!!

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