Severn Valley Trip

What a fantastic day!

A big thank you to all the children and staff for a fun filled day. Everyone looked fantastic and really embraced 1940s life. An extra special thank you to the parents who volunteered. You helped us give the children a memorable day.

Photos to follow….

We were Evacuated!

Year four had a fabulous day today pretending to be evacuees, by travelling on a steam train to the countryside. We all dressed up for the occasion, learnt what it was like to live during the war and learnt what it was like to stay inside an Anderson shelter. I even got accused of being a German spy and got sent to prison! Luckily they believed me and I was set free.

What was your favourite part of the trip? image


Survival at Forest School

Shelter building!

This week year 4 visited Forest School for a second time, and we had to make shelters which were both sturdy and waterproof. We found that smaller, more enclosed shelters were best for keeping everyone dry!

Severn valley trip

Dear all,

As you are aware year 4 are going on their trip next Friday. We are all very excited!

Here are a few more pictures to help you with costume ideas.

Please come and speak to any of the staff if you need ideas or have any concerns.




Survival afternoon

We loved our survival afternoon. We all came very prepared and built our own shelters.

What did you find easy?
What challenges did you face?image