Numeracy by Vanita and Navdeep

Today in maths we flipped a coin to see if it will land on tails 10 times or on heads for 10 times. This was called an even chance. Some people got  11 and 9. So we had a go and got to the extension. When we had finished we wrote our totals. We had to work with a partner in this activity. 4D and 4P both did this activity. Our aim was to investigate to find a chance of an event.   As an extension we either had to change our coin or see if the same thing happened again. Did you like this activity and why?

                                             Try it again at home and see what you get.

The Survival Challenge

On Monday we gave you a note!

Dear Year 4,

Tomorrow we are going to imagine that you are spending a night in the forest.  You will need to bring a prepared bag to help you survive the night.

Think carefully about what you need to bring with you to survive.

What will you wear?

What do you actually need?

We had a fantastic time!  Using only the resources we had taken we had to survive!


This is what happened…

Do you think you were prepared for a real night out in the woods?

Breaking News! By Fozia, Rahim and Waqar.

Breaking news! On Friday 30th March we had exciting news we found out who`s objects they were. Apparently the objects were a neighbours who`s children used to go to this school. Their children were used to going to Calthorpe Haven and accidently put the mysterious objects there. The neighbour’s garden is right next to Calthorpe Haven. Mr. Crosswell the neighbour always looks at our blog. He saw the mysterious objects and realised that the objects were actually his. He has recently been in touch with our school and apologised for the misunderstanding and has requested his objects be returned to him. Year4 are extremely happy that the owner has turned up and that it was not a member of the school staff as first believed.