Come Dine with Me…

Today we had a wonderful time in Year 2 making food and decorations for our end of topic celebration. It was great tucking into the food we’d prepared  ourselves. Eugene from the Bearwood Chapel Community Cafe also came along to enjoy the event. Thank you to everyone who came and all the helpers. We hope you had as much of a great time as we did!

Our visit to Bearwood Chapel Community Café

Our new topic this half term is ‘Come Dine with Me’ and we had a lovely opportunity to visit our local café. We learnt about how you make things, clean up and keep everything just right. We also found out how to serve customers. We even did a quiz to see if we’d paid attention to everything.
Take a look at the pictures….

We will use what we’ve learnt when we do role play in our own class café.

Plant investigations

In our science, year 2 have been learning all about plants. We all looked at a Viola plant and shared what we noticed. Some of us thought that the pale, thin roots looked like a spiders web!

Next, we all planted our own seeds which we are going to look after over the next few weeks. We carefully planted our seeds in the soil (some of us even spotted some worms in the soil!) and we’re going to use our knowledge of what plants need to grow and survive to help us grow them. We have put them in the sun and are making sure to water them.

Check back soon for updates on our plants!img_2876


Fun at Forest School

Year 2 had a fantastic time at forest school! First, we found out our task. We had to make a shelter for our friends Toby and Tara bears and Sunny the Meerkat from our class book ‘Meerkat Mail’. We were only allowed to use twigs that were shorter than our forearm! Next we set to work, finding twigs, leaves and other natural materials to make an effective shelter. Finally, we had the chance to look around at the fantastic shelters that everyone had made. Well done year 2, your shelters are sure to keep Toby, Tara and Sunny safe!


2S Rio Olympics 2016 

2S have been researching all about the 2016 Olympics their I Pads.

Can you find the answers to the below questions? 


Capital City:


Size of Country:

Size of Population:




National Anthem:

Country Flag:

Olympic Team Captain: 

Olympic Stadium: 

Olympic Strip:

Interesting Facts:

Year 2 Treasure Hunt

Year 2 had a wonderful time at Calthorpe Haven on their treasure hunt this afternoon. The children used directional language such as North, South, East and West.

They found the missing treasure!