
We all had a roastingly great day at Weston-Super-Mare yesterday making sandcastles on the beach, riding donkeys, visiting the Grand Pier to see if we could spot the ocean and cooling off with ice cream. Here are a few photographs from our fantastic day at the seaside. Thank you for all your help and support making it an enjoyable day for everyone. 

News Flash!

[vimeo http://vimeo.com/30759741]

[vimeo http://vimeo.com/30759019]

Today we created and recorded a new broadcast in small groups telling others about the ‘houses burning down on Pudding Lane.’

To help us we watched the news on http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/. This gave us some  top tips on how  to be great journalists.

We had two news presenters who asked ‘SUPER’ questions which started with: How? Why? and What?   We had two eye witnesses who were faced with real life scenarios.  The broadcasts were filmed and edited by specially trained cameramen.

Year 2 Science

[slideshow]Children made boats out of: paper,play dough,card,foil and wood to answer the hot question ” How many men can the boat save before it sinks?” Children recorded their findings on a planning board and checked these against their predictions.