Year 2 Inspire Workshops

This week year 2 had the first Inspire workshop of the year. We welcomed in lots of parent and family members to work with us. Our main focus was on the book ‘Little Beauty’ by Anthony Browne.

Here are a few photos of what we got up to!

Busy brains!!

In our topic ‘Inside Out’ we have been learning all about our bodies and this week we learnt about our brains. We found out that our brain send messages all around our body to tell us how to move, speak, listen and what we can see.

We had a look at some visual illusions and talked about what our brain told us we could see.

What can you see in each picture? You will need your magnet eyes and your curiosity power! Not everyone will see the same thing…….

     Picture 1

   Picture 2

   Picture 3



In a dark, dark house……

In Literacy we have been reading stories by Allan Ahlberg. We loved reading his ‘Funnybones’ stories about three Skeletons that live in a dark, dark house so much that we wrote our own stories about some of the adventures the skeletons might have.  Here are some of our story starts, please tell us what you think……


In a dark, dark street there were some scary skeletons. They lived in a nice, calm house one day they went upstairs. When they went they felt shocked because there were spiders everywhere so they decided to go downstairs however there was a knock at the door. Mean people that were colossal as houses were there and they said “you mean people let me in” but the skeletons said “no” and……..

Written by Aisha

In a dark, dark street in a dark, dark park three skeletons went to play. They threw a bone for the dog but he smashed in to a huge pile of bones! They tried to fix the dog and when they finished playing they wanted to make a big rocket. They climbed into the rocket and went to a magical planet to see what it looked like. They said WOW! When they got there they felt shocked but they called for help and………

 Written by Lincoln

In a dark, dark castle there were three scary skeletons. When they went for a walk they found a colossal dragon and they sprinted  off. The massive dragon breathed fire however the three skeletons dropped to get away from the dragon and sprinted off home.

Written by Michael

In the dark, dark castle lived three milky, twisty skeletons they lived in a gloomy, massive castle. They were very frightened and scared but the castle was filthy and dark. They met a crazy ghost that was as huge as an elephant and they never went to the castle again!

Written by Guvandeep

The skeletons went outside and ran but they crashed into a forest then they saw a ghost. A huge ghost, who was crazy and he was spinning around and the skeletons got dizzy. They wondered which way to get out of the scary, dark forest so they looked on the map and they……

Written by Tia

In a dark dark home on a dark street three skeletons lived. They were white and hard and sharp. They were dreaming about space and dark, hard planets, shiny stars and cold water. They landed on a planet called Pluto. They found …

Written by Albert

It was a dark and stormy forest. The skeletons thought the forest was scary. Then they saw a nice kind dragon. They took the dragon to the park. They played on the swings. Finally they went home.

Written by Juwayriyyah

One day they went to space. They saw a bright moon and a zooming rocket. They felt excited because they went round and round on the fast rocket. Next they landed. They felt scared because they landed really fast.

Written by Hasnain


Plants we eat

This half term our topic in Science has been ‘Healthy Living’. This we have looked at where the food we eat comes from and which parts of the plants we eat.

Here are a few photos to show our carousel.