Story planning in English

Toby and Tara have now been missing for 3 weeks. Year 2 decided to to write their own adventure stories to convince the bears to come back to Bearwood. However, first they needed to plan the story.

Press play to listen to Year 2’s story plan which is in chronological order! Can you hear any time adverbials? 

2S Forest School Challenge

Today 2S went to Forest School and were set two challenges based on their topic Out and About. First, they were asked to create a picture frame in pairs using sticks that were no longer than their arm. Secondly, they had to incorporate a picture of a tree using resources found in Forest School.

I think they completed their challenge successfully. Do you? 


Breaking News!

Toby and Tara the Year 2 reading bears are missing.

On Monday 7th September 2015 2S and 2G came into their new classes to some very sad news. Toby and Tara the reading bears had disappeared. The Bears were fed up being locked in a cupboard for 7 weeks over the summer holidays with no children to read to them. 

They sent an email to Miss Smart and said they were going to have an adventure to get ideas for their own stories. Since then they have been spotted in Calthorpe Haven. 2S and 2G decided to visit Calthope Haven yesterday and make bear houses to ensure Toby and Tara would have somewhere safe to sleep the night.

We hope they return to Bearwood Primary soon.


Owl nests

Today 2B went to Forest School and were set a challenge to create an owl’s nest.

“We were split into 2 teams. We were told that the nest had to be big enough for 1 person to get in and it had to have 3 eggs inside. We had to collect lots of sticks to make the outside of the nest. Next we collected lots of grass to make it soft. We used stones to make the owl’s eggs. We had to use our sharing powers to work together.”

Look closely at the photographs. Do you think we completed our challenge?