Y2 Tasting Food From Around The World

Children in Y2 used their 5 senses to describe a range of food from different countries.

Hot Questions:

  • Which country do you think the food has originated from?
  • What senses will you use?

Children tasted:

  • Italian: pasta and garlic bread
  • Chinese: Stir fry rice
  • Indian: Chapatis and mint dip
  • Jamaican: Banana cake

Y2 Science

In Y2  the children were plant detectives investigating:

What do plants need to grow?

What type of plants can we eat?

Children used different resources to investigate like:

  • Real plants/fruits
  • vegatables with seeds
  • Non-Fiction books
  • Magnifying glasses

There was a lot of group discussion and we used our learning powers.



2S Inspire Workshop

2S had a jam-packed Inspire Workshop.  A huge THANK YOU to all parents that came.  We had great fun exploring Mathletics, Purple Mash and the Bearwood Blog to support our learning at home and school.  Please remember to use your “pack” to help with the homework set on a weekly basis.  Again, many thanks Miss Steventon.

Get Talking Get Learning Homework


The groups are working very hard and the children are progressing well. Please ensure that you are reading with your children at home and working on their phonics sheet with them.


This week we have created explanations for our inventions- watch out we might be the next Wallace and Grommit! Next week we will be moving onto a new unit- we will be looking at poetry. We have some very exciting news which will be revealed on Monday.

Literacy Homework (For literacy children only)

What is poetry? What poems do you know? Do you have a favourite poet? Write down your favourite poem so we can share on Monday, if you don’t know any poems have a go at writing your own about something at home.



Next week we will be warming out brains up finding out the missing symbols. We will be looking at all four symbols and trying to work out which one it could be. We will then be moving onto 2D and 3D shapes- How many shapes can you name? What are their properties?

Numeracy Homework

Write and draw 8 different shapes that you see around your house or around the park.


We are well under way with our new topic ‘Come Dine With Me’. Next week we will be looking at food that restaurants serve and we will be making our own restaurant! You will need all of your creativity power next week!

Y2 Children Made Flags

Children made flags of  chosen countries that are researching about. In year 2 the children have been researching about different countries, they have made flags based on thier chosen countries, which are –

Jamaica, Italy,India and China.  They used non-fiction books and internet to find what the flag looks like? What colours and patterns are on it?

They used collage-tissue paper, felt pens to decorate the flags.

Topic, Carousel of activities in year 2

Role play area in year 2 is set up as a restaurant this half term.
Today children took part in different carousel of activities related to our topic.
Activity 1: Children used Atlases,maps and Globes to explore and find different countries.
Activity 2: Children looked at different menus to create a tally chart of their favourite food.
Activity 3:Laptops were used for children to explore powerpoint and to think about why people eat different food.
Activity 4: Children used large world map with a selection of foods, to locate where it came from.