Y2 Children Made Flags

Children made flags of  chosen countries that are researching about. In year 2 the children have been researching about different countries, they have made flags based on thier chosen countries, which are –

Jamaica, Italy,India and China.  They used non-fiction books and internet to find what the flag looks like? What colours and patterns are on it?

They used collage-tissue paper, felt pens to decorate the flags.

Topic, Carousel of activities in year 2

Role play area in year 2 is set up as a restaurant this half term.
Today children took part in different carousel of activities related to our topic.
Activity 1: Children used Atlases,maps and Globes to explore and find different countries.
Activity 2: Children looked at different menus to create a tally chart of their favourite food.
Activity 3:Laptops were used for children to explore powerpoint and to think about why people eat different food.
Activity 4: Children used large world map with a selection of foods, to locate where it came from.