How to run a class council meeting

School council met today and agreed on how to run class council meetings.

  1. Allow half an hour
  2. Have them weekly, on a Tuesday
  3. One councillor acts as chair and the other acts as secretary
  4. Use the agenda post, on Student Voice, to guide the class discussion
  5. One person speaks at a time
  6. Use questions to clarify what it is a class member means

Councillors will share all thoughts and ideas at Thursday’s school council meeting.

School Council’s aims 21/22

After lots of discussion the council decided that these would be the council’s 5 aims.

  1. To help children who are finding things tricky at the moment, either at home, school or with their learning.
  2. To make everyone feel welcome, especially new children.
  3. To make sure everyone feels safe.
  4. To always listen
  5. To make Bearwood Primary School a greener place.

Your class councillors will be asking you what you think about these aims and how we can achieve them, throughout the year. Please let them know what you think.

Minutes of School Council Meeting 4.10.19

The meeting opened at 14:30

All classes attended.

All classes had had class council meetings, except for 6P, so very well done.

Councillors shared what their classes would like at playtime and lunchtime:

Chalk drawing, reading area, mini golf, squash, hockey, more plants, table tennis, more grass, longer break, climbing wall, bowling, art activities, colouring outside, girls only games and boys only games, hula hooping, picnic tables used to eat sandwiches, noughts and crosses, 2 hoops for basket ball, posters to help us learn our times tables, big lego, board games, more PALs, healthy snack bar and pets.

As a class vote on your top 5 favourite playtime ideas.

The meeting closed at 15:00


For next week let your councillors know places that you would like to visit.


The next meeting is Friday 11th October @ 14:30 in the James’ Room.



Meet this half terms PALs

This year they are all from Y6. They will change half termly and by the end of the year all of Y6 will have had the opportunity to be a PAL.

Their photos are displayed outside Mrs Hadley’s room and they wear big, yellow playground buddy badges so you can’t miss them.

Their mission is to keep you safe and to make you happy. Please let an adult know when a PAL has been kind to you and made you feel happy.




Tuesday Weds Thursday


Cameron Thushanika Anila Maya Amira BJ
Faysal Aleena Nicolas Keiry Nam
Alex Farrah Eric Tassaduq Ayesha
Artur Even Mustafa Luize Rehan A


Zak Ruquaya Pavandeep




Minutes from School Council Meeting – 27.9.19 – 2:30 p.m.

All classes attended.

All classes had had class council meetings except for: 3T and 6S.

The meeting was chaired by Keiry and Aleena

Notes were kept by Artur

Items discussed:

  1. Competitions they would like.
  2. Events they would like.

There were lots of super ideas shared – ask your class councillor about all of the ideas-  and it was agreed the council would vote on their top 5 next week and then share with Miss Haywood.

We have also agreed to discuss ideas to make playtimes and lunchtimes even better. Please share your ideas at class council, this week.

Meeting closed at 3p.m.

The next meeting is Friday 4th October @ 2:30 pm in the James’ room




A friendly school

Image result for kindnessCouncillors asked their classes how we could ensure that we were a friendly school both in lessons and at break.

Here are some of the suggestions shared at school council:

Be kind

Be helpful

Take responsibility

Be truthful

Have good manners

Listen to others

Let people play


What do you think of these suggestions? Do you have any of your own?

How could we make these ideas happen?