The competition is open to everyone from Y1 – Y6.
Please hand your entry to your new teacher in September, making sure your name and class are on it.
The entries will be judged in age categories by School Council.
Please hand your entry to your new teacher in September, making sure your name and class are on it.
The entries will be judged in age categories by School Council.
The meeting opened at 1:36. All classes were in attendance. Today we created an action plan for the BPS job centre because this half term’s priority is to provide more responsibilities and opportunities to help.
We split the action plan into 2 areas: Classroom jobs and outside of the classroom (outside for short) jobs.
For Classroom jobs school council will:
For Outside jobs school council will:
For next week’s meeting please share all your brilliant ideas about what classroom and outside jobs are needed or there could be.
The next meeting will be Friday 1.3.24 @ 13:30 in the Oasis room.
It was decided by councillor vote that:
More responsibilities and opportunities to help: buddies, monitors and assistants – would be the priority for next half term.
Some of the ideas that were shared were:
Register monitor
Chair stackers
Display monitors
Playground monitors
Playground buddies
Litter pickers
Medical assistants
Line leader
Variety of classroom jobs
Learning mentor
Supply monitor
Please discuss these ideas and any that you have ready to share at this week’s school council meeting which will be Friday 9th at 1:30 in the Oasis room.
The votes are in! All classes from Y2 – Y6 have voted and the 2 main priorities for School Council this year are:
Please discuss at class council which priority you think school council should start with and what we could do.
The next school council meeting will be Thursday, 1.2.24, at 2:30pm in the parent room.
Thank you to all the councillors who attended today’s meeting and for your ideas.
Class council agenda:
We look forward to hearing your ideas.
The next meeting will be Friday 26th January in the Oasis room at 2 pm.
Councillors shared their classes 3 priorities for school council.
Please select, from the list below, the 3 that your class would like as priorities ready for the next meeting.
Basketball hoops, More fake grass, more rewards, litter pick buddies, playground buddies, happiness, more challenge, greater choice of free time activities, More opportunities to use equipment in and out of the classroom, quiet spaces, more green spaces, celebrating cultures, football and more choice in P.E.
The next meeting will be Friday 19.1.24 @ 14:00 in the Oasis Room.
School council met on the 30/11/23.
In that meeting, Ranjot was elected as secretary, Sanaya was elected as the chair person and Godiva was elected as the vice-chair person.
This week in class council please discuss, the 3 things that school council should work on this year.
School council cannot wait to hear your great ideas.
2:30 – small hall
Chair – Hamza
Playground buddies
It was agreed that councillors would draw up new rotas for the summer term and that they would remind the buddies of their role. Malek and Yibin to distribute blank buddy rotas and roles and responsibilities to all classes.
Bearwood Managers
4P councillors shared their class ideas on managers: Welcome, line, lost property, safety and litter managers were all discussed. School council agreed that these roles would be beneficial to the school. Leyan and Sumaya were nominated to develop job descriptions and job application forms.
Class council meetings
It was agreed by all councillors that class council meetings are very important and should be held regularly as these meetings give everyone a voice. It was also agreed that they all classes will have a summer buddy rota in place and will have discussed further ideas for Bearwood managers.
The meeting closed at 3:02 pm
Next School council meeting will be Thursday 4th May @ 1:30 pm in the Parents’ room. We look forward to hearing your ideas.
Please meet before Thursday 9.3.23
School council decided, today, that:
Everyone will be a buddy for a day, each week, for 5 weeks.
Buddies will be on duty at breaktime and lunchtime on their duty day.
School councillors will organise and manage the Buddies, in their class, with the help of class teachers.
School councillors will stand in for absent buddies.
Mrs Hadley will provide a blank rota and cap, to all classes, by Monday 12th December.
Everyone has to take their turn at being a buddy.
A buddy will:
Wear a cap when on duty
Play with others if they are lonely
Be responsible and fair
Help children who are hurt
Put the equipment away
Fetch and put away bell
Reminding everyone to stand still when the bell goes