School council meeting. 20/3/14 by Danae.

Meeting started at 2:30.
Chaired by Sian.
All present.
6D and 6C had a school council.

we were thinking about raising funds for school and some ideas we had were:
. Foot ball tournaments.
. Book tournament.
. Movie night.
. Triva quiz.
Book quiz was suggested but had vgery few votes.
the charge for these events would be 50p to £1 for each person.

Soap has been replaced in the boy’s toilets again but the girls toilets still need addressing.
Martell is to talk to Mr Spicer to confirm whether they are in use or not.

Meeting ended at 2:39.

School Council meeting 06/0314

Meeting opened at 2:30pm Chaired by Sian Dullay
All present
3G,5M & 5P hada a class council

Ideas for the Sports Relief mile:
-carrying water
-jumping sacks
-wear lots of layers

Further iddeas for Sport Relief:
-jumping sack race
-egg and spoon race
-swimming contest

I’m sure like to know that Mr Spicer has put automatic air freshners in the toilets which is something school council were asked about.

Meeting closed at 2:35pm