School Council Meeting 26.1.24

The votes are in! All classes from Y2 – Y6 have voted and the 2 main priorities for School Council this year are:

  1. The playground: greater choice of activities, outside environment and recognition of good friendship skills.
  2. More responsibilities and opportunities to help: buddies, monitors and assistants.

Please discuss at class council which priority you think school council should start with and what we could do.

The next school council meeting will be Thursday, 1.2.24, at 2:30pm in the parent room.



School Council meeting 19.1.24

Thank you to all the councillors who attended today’s meeting and for your ideas.

Class council agenda:

  1. Y3, Y5, 6D and 4D please vote, as a class, for your 3 favourite priorities from the list of priorities in the previous post.
  2. All classes brainstorm what jobs you would like to do across the school. Who would you help? What could you do? Where would you do it? When would you do it? One idea we already have is to be a litter picker helping Mr Gilbert keep the school grounds tidy everyday.

We look forward to hearing your ideas.

The next meeting will be Friday 26th January in the Oasis room at 2 pm.


School Council Meeting 12.1.24

Councillors shared their classes 3 priorities for school council.

Please select, from the list below, the 3 that your class would like as priorities ready for the next meeting.

Basketball hoops, More fake grass, more rewards, litter pick buddies, playground buddies, happiness, more challenge, greater choice of free time activities, More opportunities to use equipment in and out of the classroom, quiet spaces, more green spaces, celebrating cultures, football and more choice in P.E.

The next meeting will be Friday 19.1.24 @ 14:00 in the Oasis Room.