Notes from 21/02/12 by: Aaliya and Jai

  1. 4P said 17 children of  there class said they want a swimming gala. 14 children wanted a disco and 12 people want  anti-bullying posters
  2. Ariana is going to find recipes for smoothies.
  3. 5d’S class mostly wanted a swimming gala,they want to change the school football team, the whole class wanted a disco and the whole class wanted sports day. They need to ask Mr Neill if he’s going to change the football team.
  4. Football hasn’t been banned, every half-term the sports are going to change.
  5. 3S’s class all wanted a swimming gala, all the class wanted sports day compotition. Lastly, everyone wanted a anti-bullying poster compotiton.
  6. Next week plan class council assembly.
  7. Ask classes for a talent show.
  8. The talent show commity is Emmanuel, Yusuf, Aaliya and Eloise.
  9. Water Posters can go anywhere near sinks.


Notes from meeting 7.2.12. Typed by Jai and Aaliya.

We were very disappointed to find that only 2 out of the 8 classes represented at school council had had a class meeting.

Well done to those that had.

Please look at the week befores meeting notes to see what we decided we would do about some children thinking that they were not heard.

  1. All classes to have a suggestion box in their class.
  2. Every class needs to have a class council.
  3. 5d thought that a swimming gala was a brilliant idea.
  4. 4P and 5d said that their class wanted a school disco.
  5. The smoothie team need to meet in 6H to discuss the smoothie prices.
  6. The girls said that they want a coat peg in the girls toilets.  Aryana will speak to Mr Jones about that situation.