2:30 – small hall
Chair – Hamza
Playground buddies
It was agreed that councillors would draw up new rotas for the summer term and that they would remind the buddies of their role. Malek and Yibin to distribute blank buddy rotas and roles and responsibilities to all classes.
Bearwood Managers
4P councillors shared their class ideas on managers: Welcome, line, lost property, safety and litter managers were all discussed. School council agreed that these roles would be beneficial to the school. Leyan and Sumaya were nominated to develop job descriptions and job application forms.
Class council meetings
It was agreed by all councillors that class council meetings are very important and should be held regularly as these meetings give everyone a voice. It was also agreed that they all classes will have a summer buddy rota in place and will have discussed further ideas for Bearwood managers.
The meeting closed at 3:02 pm
Next School council meeting will be Thursday 4th May @ 1:30 pm in the Parents’ room. We look forward to hearing your ideas.