
We went on an Autumn walk, over to the forest. We spoke about all the things we could see, and discussed how the season was changing. We looked at the leaves, and spoke about how they looked/felt. We then created a piece of natural art work-using the leaves. 


Owl Babies

The children spent a lovely afternoon in the forest, making owl babies from natural materials. We spoke about the colour, shape and size of the leaves we used to create our artwork. We then read the story together, encouraging the children to join in with repeated refrain: ” I want my mommy!”



Children are really enjoying their PE lessons. Please ensure that your child can dress/undress independently. 

During our lessons the children are moving around in a range of ways, negotiating space so they do not bump in to other children.


Maths in Reception

This week we have been counting objects (up to 5) and practised writing the numbers to 5, using our number rhymes. Support your child at home with counting objects, writing numbers to 10 and ordering numbers independently.