Ice Age Topic – Happy Feet

Our next topic will be Ice Age. We will introduce this topic, through studying the film “Happy Feet.” It would be extremley useful if you could watch this film with your child over the Christmas period; discussing the landscape and how it is different to where we live. Also think about how Mumble feels throughout the film, and if your child has ever felt alone or worried themselves. Talk about penguins with your child, and it would be lovely for you to use the internet or library to research further about penguins or animals that live in the Arctic.

Healthy Lunches Parent Workshop. January 2012.

All parents are invited to join us in the New Year to complete Sure Start Healthy Lunchbox Workshops. You will be supported by Sure Start staff and they will give you fantastic ideas about what you can give your child in their lunchbox. They will also be giving out freebies at these sessions, so come along!!

Autumn Term Fun

We thought it would be nice to celebrate all the children’s achievements throughtout their first term in Reception. It has been alot of fun and all the children have worked really hard. We would like to thank all the parents for their constant support and for attending parents meetings, open mornings, phonic sessions and Nativity plays. We have covered alot in a short amount of time, and hope you enjoy looking through the pictures that show us participating in PE lessons, practising numbers and counting in numeracy, pirate week, bonfire celebration over at the forest, practising for our nativity, using phonics in our writing and completing activities we enjoy during Plan, Do, Review!
We can’t wait for Spring term to begin, have a great Christmas holiday!

Christmas Nativity Rehearsal

This week we have been working really hard practising for our Christmas Nativity Play. The children have been singing the songs, trying on their costumes, helping make some props, practising dancing and their lines using a microphone for the first time! We are so proud of them and can’t wait for parents/carers to come and see them on Monday and Tuesday at 9.10 am.. don’t be late!

Mathematical Development Ideas



This is a video about how we teach Mathematical Development in the Early Years.  Though it is set in Wales, it still demonstrates some good practise in teaching Mathematical Development.  It offers you an insight in to how your child learns at school, and can also offer you some examples of how you can help them at home too.  Your parental support is vital for your child to reach their full potential.  Please follow this link which will take you to the website:  Mathematical Development: Learning Through Play.