Ruth Miskin phonic sounds

During the Inspire Workshop we were asked about the pure phonics sounds needed to help support blending. It is important that when supporting your child at home you are using ‘pure sounds’ demonstrated by Ruth Miskin in this video.

Inspire Workshop for Parents

On Thursday we had another successful Inspire workshop where parents from RD came to join in with their childs phonics lesson. They also had the opportunity to participate in literacy and numeracy activities with their child. Thank you to all parents who supported this event. We had a lot of positive feedback and we are really glad that you enjoyed yourself too!

Jack and the Beanstalk

Our topic after Easter will be “Growing.”  We will introduce this topic through the story of “Jack and the Beanstalk.”  It would be very benefical to your child to be familiar with this story, so that when we come back they are prepared to start work on it straight away. 

May we also take this opportunity to say we hope you have a wonderful (and safe!) Easter holiday.  The children have been working really hard this term, and we are all very pleased with their progress.  Don’t forget to keep working on their phonics/numeracy with them over the holidays so that nothing is forgotten!!!!

RS Inspire Workshop

Thank you to all parents of RS who attended the Inspire Workshop. This was a lovely opportunity for parents/grandparents to come and watch a Ruth Miskin phonics lesson and to complete literacy and numeracy activities with their child. Don’t forget RD parents are welcome Thursday 29th March. We want to take this time to thank parents for their constant support.

Red Riding Hood

Weronika has worked really hard to write the story of Red Riding Hood. She has used her phonic knowledge to ‘sound out’ the words and has remembered her capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. Well done Weronika!

Sports Relief mile

We all came in to school in our pyjama’s today; this was in aid of Sports Relief.  Parents and Children walked a mile in support of this charity.  Thank you to all the parents/grandparents that came to join us on this special occasion.


Sports Relief is a very important charity.  Everybody should be really proud of taking part in this special event.  Thank you for all your fund raising and to everybody who took part!

The Little Red Riding Hood rap

This week we have been reading the story Red Riding Hood.  Based on this text, Miss Seery and Miss Deering performed a rap for all of children.  It was a lot of fun.  The children then wanted to write and perform their own raps!!!

Next week we shall be reading ‘The Little Red Riding Hood.’ Watch this video with your child discussing the sequence of events in the story, pausing it to talk about what they think might happen next. Challenge your child to think about descriptive words to describe the wolf. e.g mean, horrible, sneaky.

Outdoor Fun!

We have all had so much fun outside this week! We have been making kites to fly high in the sky, balancing on the bridge, writing shopping lists to go to ADSA, making patterns with the stickle bricks, reading stories with our friends and digging for creepy crawlies!