Chinese New Year

We were celebrating the Chinese New Year today!  It is the year of the Horse.  We watched a short video of two children preparing for this special celebration.  We then made  good luck envelopes to share with our family, and Chinese lanterns to decorate.  Happy new year!

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Animal Lady

We all really enjoyed a visit from Angie’s Animals today.  We learnt lots about the animals (hedghog, chinchilla, snail and owl) and we even got to stroke them too!  We discussed how they felt as we stroked them very gently.  As a class, we also spoke about how to look after animals, and the importance of caring for them.       

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Reception Weaving

This week reception have used their sharing power by working in pairs to weave different materials onto a frame. They used lots of different coloured material, beads, pipe cleaners and ribbon.



Phonics Workshop

Thank you to all parents who attended our phonic workshop this morning.  We began by watching our online phonic videos (go to the school website – click on “Learning at Home” – then click on Freddy Frog).  Parents then joined their child in their phonic lesson.  We look forward to doing the same with RH tomorrow!!

Happy Feet

Next week we are going to be looking at polar regions.  We shall begin by looking at some clips from Happy Feet.  Watch this clip with your child.  Where is it set? What is the weather like?  Does it look like Bearwood?  Why?  Would you like to live there?

Dino ICT

Children have really enjoyed using our voice activated dinosaur.  We used our voices to control how the dionsaur moved.  We then discussed what words we can use to describe his movements; stomp, walk, step etc.


When we came into school this morning, we found an egg in the classroom.  It was a large, cream, oval egg.  Children were encouraged to ask questions about the egg: How did it arrive in the classroom?  What is inside the egg?  When will it hatch?  Children used lots of descriptive language to describe the egg; large, heavy, big, oval etc.  We spent all morning wondering about the mysterious egg…and then when we came back after lunch we found a baby dinosaur had hatched out of the egg!!!!  We have been exploring dinosaurs today; decribing what they look like.